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opkg update failure after v4.1.2 firmware install

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    Ok thanks Repassac, Dino, will take another look as obviously my setup was wrong as caused this issue, my aim was to turn the router into a switch by connecting it only by the port to the downstairs modem router, and disabling DCHP to do this, but obviously something went wrong, cannot connect to the upstairs router by any means at the moment, will keep trying, thanks again

    | Wed 9 Oct 2013 19:39:07 #31 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    mamos22 - 26 minutes ago  » 
    my aim was to turn the router into a switch by connecting it only by the port to the downstairs modem router, and disabling DCHP to do this, but obviously something went wrong, cannot connect to the upstairs router by any means at the moment, will keep trying,

    I have already asked once but was ignored. What is the make and model of the modem and the routers?

    | Wed 9 Oct 2013 20:06:39 #32 |
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    senior member
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    Sorry Martin wasn't ignoring you just hadn't seen your post as have been out all afternoon and didn't check what I thought was the last post. Modem Router is DLink Dsl-2740b and upstairs router is Cisco Linksys E-2000.

    I just managed to get back into the router ( E-2000 ) setup menu by swapping ethernet cables around and doing a PC reboot, having set it to static ip and disabling DHCP ( apologies to Repassac from an earlier post - as thought I had done it during setup! ), I can now still update and install packages in the web interface.

    | Wed 9 Oct 2013 20:40:41 #33 |

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