My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Outdated Graphics PVR-9150T, 9200T, 9300T

(18 posts)
  1. RachaelsDaddy


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    Hello :D, this is my first post, and hope it is somewhat emotive!

    I have been the proud owner of a PVR-9200T for some seven years or more, I have even had a software update implemented for this model. I also own a FOXSAT- HDR (2010) and from November 2012 a PVR-9300T500, a bit excessive you may think, but the 9200T is going to my parents to replace their dying Panasonic DVD recorder.

    I wish to draw the forums attention to a small matter of outdated graphics, the 9200T looks a little outdated once you enter the menu screens, chunky images and text, the icons down the left side look almost childish. I would strongly suggest these menu screens look like they were designed in the early 1980’s, the early years of pixilation!

    When I purchased the PVR-9300T500, I was disappointed to see the same identical, old out dated menu graphics as the 9200T. Compared to the FOXSAT-HDR these menu screens look awful! As a leading supplier of Freeview, Freesat and YouView boxes, it’s a surprise to see such poor graphics.

    Do forum members agree with my observations

    My aim (if possible) is to persuade Humax designers to implement a new set of graphical menus for the PVR-9150T, 9200T, 9300T which could adorn our ageing units in future updates, thus dragging our units kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

    Your comments are welcome, maybe with forum pressure, we could breathe new life into our old units.

    Regards, Rachaels Daddy


    1. transparent.gif (0 KB, 18 downloads) 12 years old
    2. transparent.gif (0 KB, 11 downloads) 12 years old
    | Wed 5 Dec 2012 22:46:53 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    9200T over seven years since first release.
    9300T over four years since first release.

    Updated graphics, no chance.

    | Thu 6 Dec 2012 0:18:32 #2 |
  3. brian


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    I feel that the graphics are perfectly adequate for what they are doing, and I can't see them ever being changed, nor would I ever want them to.

    | Thu 6 Dec 2012 6:26:44 #3 |
  4. Biggles


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    brian - 3 hours ago  » 
    I feel that the graphics are perfectly adequate for what they are doing, and I can't see them ever being changed, nor would I ever want them to.

    I agree. The graphics date back even earlier to the F2-FOX T set top box to my knowledge but they are clear and they do the job. I'd much rather navigate around the menus of my Humax boxes than my newer Panasonic.

    | Thu 6 Dec 2012 9:34:43 #4 |
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    Alan White

    Joined: Aug '12
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    Personally I favour function over form every time. I'd much prefer that Humax spend resources on fixing problems - such as the new and recent inability to populate a 7-day EPG - rather than on pretty pictures which serve no purpose.

    | Thu 6 Dec 2012 9:37:15 #5 |
  6. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    If you dislike the menu screens so much why did you buy a 9300T last month (a unit from over 4 years ago and one which you cannot readily transfer recordings from) instead of one of the current models ie the HDR Fox T2 or the DTR T1000?

    You would probably find their menus more to your liking.

    | Thu 6 Dec 2012 15:59:33 #6 |
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    RachaelsDaddy - 1 day ago  » 
    I have been the proud owner of a PVR-9200T for some seven years or more, I have even had a software update implemented for this model. I also own a FOXSAT- HDR (2010) and from November 2012 a PVR-9300T500, a bit excessive you may think, but the 9200T is going to my parents to replace their dying Panasonic DVD recorder.

    Why are you not giving the 9300T to your parents?

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 17:26:27 #7 |
  8. RachaelsDaddy


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    aldaweb - 1 day ago  » 
    If you dislike the menu screens so much why did you buy a 9300T last month (a unit from over 4 years ago and one which you cannot readily transfer recordings from) instead of one of the current models ie the HDR Fox T2 or the DTR T1000?
    You would probably find their menus more to your liking.

    As a moderator I am somewhat insulted by your comments, I'm new to the forum and you chose to question my purchase? I don't feel I have to justify my recent purchase to you or anyone else. Please refrain from personally directed comments in the future.

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 20:09:06 #8 |
  9. RachaelsDaddy


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    Thank you everyone for your comments

    I am somewhat surprise that members are happy with the 1980's look of the menu graphics, perhaps someone will support me soon?

    As for the function of the menu's, this I DO NOT WANT to change as it works! I only wish it to look a little less chunky and pixelated. A more pleasant look on the eye is all I'm saying, surely that would be a good thing?

    more comments required, but no personal attacks please.

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 20:17:08 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RachaelsDaddy - 21 minutes ago  » 

    aldaweb - 1 day ago  » 
    If you dislike the menu screens so much why did you buy a 9300T last month (a unit from over 4 years ago and one which you cannot readily transfer recordings from) instead of one of the current models ie the HDR Fox T2 or the DTR T1000?
    You would probably find their menus more to your liking.

    As a moderator I am somewhat insulted by your comments,

    It appears to me that it wasn't a comment but a question which you have chosen not to answer. People who moderate Forums have a hard enough job with your uncalled for criticism.

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 20:31:53 #10 |

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