My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Outdated Graphics PVR-9150T, 9200T, 9300T

(18 posts)
  1. RachaelsDaddy


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    Martin Liddle - 31 minutes ago  » 

    RachaelsDaddy - 21 minutes ago  » 

    aldaweb - 1 day ago  » 
    If you dislike the menu screens so much why did you buy a 9300T last month (a unit from over 4 years ago and one which you cannot readily transfer recordings from) instead of one of the current models ie the HDR Fox T2 or the DTR T1000?
    You would probably find their menus more to your liking.

    As a moderator I am somewhat insulted by your comments,

    It appears to me that it wasn't a comment but a question which you have chosen not to answer. People who moderate Forums have a hard enough job with your uncalled for criticism.

    It seems my personal preference is at question here, not the outdated graphics, I'll be sure to start a new thread so we can discuss by buying habits at a later date... your 594 posts consist of you defending moderators too? If they have a hard enough job, then perhaps to criticise someone's buying habits such be avoided.

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 21:12:19 #11 |
  2. brian


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    RachaelsDaddy - 33 minutes ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 31 minutes ago  » 

    RachaelsDaddy - 21 minutes ago  » 

    aldaweb - 1 day ago  » 
    If you dislike the menu screens so much why did you buy a 9300T last month (a unit from over 4 years ago and one which you cannot readily transfer recordings from) instead of one of the current models ie the HDR Fox T2 or the DTR T1000?
    You would probably find their menus more to your liking.

    As a moderator I am somewhat insulted by your comments,

    It appears to me that it wasn't a comment but a question which you have chosen not to answer. People who moderate Forums have a hard enough job with your uncalled for criticism.

    It seems my personal preference is at question here, not the outdated graphics, I'll be sure to start a new thread so we can discuss by buying habits at a later date... your 594 posts consist of you defending moderators too? If they have a hard enough job, then perhaps to criticise someone's buying habits such be avoided.

    Yet you are happy to criticise the "outdated graphics" as you call them.
    I buy my boxes to record and playback TV programmes, and don't really care what the graphics look like.

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 21:52:16 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RachaelsDaddy - 52 minutes ago  » your 594 posts consist of you defending moderators too? If they have a hard enough job, then perhaps to criticise someone's buying habits such be avoided.

    No they mainly involve trying to help people. You don't like the graphics which is reasonable. However expecting that Humax will do something about it is not rational. The 9200 has been out of production for some years and the 9150/9300 are going out of production now. Simple financial logic says that Humax are unlikely to make a significant expenditure in updating the graphics at this point in time. My guess is that the majority of the users would prefer to see any resource that Humax choose to devote to these products used to fix known bugs in the software.

    | Fri 7 Dec 2012 22:10:03 #13 |
  4. RachaelsDaddy


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    Yet you are happy to criticise the "outdated graphics" as you call them.

    As I was warned! Forums DO have people who wish to criticise and slander your comments.

    My opinions regarding graphics are just that, opinions on graphics, I did not direct any comments at fellow members. Does this thread justify personal attacks? I'm surprised as a senior member, you find it acceptable to criticise my thread with such vigour. would it be possible for you to act accordingly to your level of membership and leave the personal comments away from peoples threads.

    Forums are there for helping people and conversations on relevant subjects, I believe mine falls into the latter

    | Sat 8 Dec 2012 2:46:47 #14 |
  5. brian


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    RachaelsDaddy - 2 days ago  » 
    Do forum members agree with my observations

    It looks as though the answer to this is No.

    | Sat 8 Dec 2012 7:58:50 #15 |
  6. RachaelsDaddy


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    It looks as though the answer to this is No.

    Sorry to disappoint Brain, as only 0.23% of members have commented, of which 42.86% are members who have criticised my buying habits and made personal attacks, then I somehow don't think the answer is 'NO'.

    | Sat 8 Dec 2012 9:25:05 #16 |


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    RachaelsDaddy - 1 hour ago  » 

    It looks as though the answer to this is No.

    Sorry to disappoint Brain, as only 0.23% of members have commented, of which 42.86% are members who have criticised my buying habits and made personal attacks, then I somehow don't think the answer is 'NO'.

    Much of the grahical possabilities on a PVR are enabled by the chipset. I think it would not even be possible for Humax to improve the graphics significantly on a chipset that must be at least 8 years old.

    | Sat 8 Dec 2012 10:34:50 #17 |
  8. aciddad


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    Sorry, RachaelsDaddy, I'm another member who is perfectly happy with the menu graphics. I haven't calculated the percentage but I reckon I spend the majority of my time watching programs not graphics.

    | Sat 8 Dec 2012 13:10:23 #18 |

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