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Pairing request

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    Is there anyway of turning off the pairing feature of the Aura unit? (After the human bluetooth remote is paired)

    It seems that the person next door keeps turning on a Jabra device, which keeps asking to pair with my Aura unit several times a day in quick succession.

    Thanks for your advice.

    | Tue 17 Aug 2021 22:34:01 #1 |
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    Ah! That happens when I try to reconfigure my Cardo motorbike intercom. It turns on the Aura (and TV with a banner across the top!!) and tries to pair with it - much to the annoyance of SWMBO.
    For various boring reasons the Cardo needs to be paired to different bits of hatdware from time to time - its during the re-pair process that it wakes the Aura up. During normal turn-on and use it has no effect.
    The Aura needs to be configured so that one has to initiate the pair process - not just start it whenever it sniffs a headset in pairing mode.

    | Wed 18 Aug 2021 9:54:38 #2 |
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    Unless you are using the voice search (which requires Bluetooth as far as I am aware), could you not just turn Bluetooth off? You may need to install an app to access hidden settings.

    | Wed 18 Aug 2021 10:34:03 #3 |
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    Dosnt't the whole remote work off bluetooth rather than IR? Not just the voice search? I could be horrendously wrong of course!!

    | Wed 18 Aug 2021 15:12:34 #4 |
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