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Picture lost after June 2013 update

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    Owen Smith

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    Joined: Aug '11
    Posts: 187


    I found this splitter on forums where people want to record the HDMI output of playing games on consoles. Many of these are HDCP protected so can't normally be recorded using HDMI capture cards. This splitter is the cheapest device those forums list that will strip the HDCP for you. Also if you read the and reviews for this splitter you will see many people recommending it for stripping HDCP to record HDMI output.

    I realise there is still an HDCP handshake between the splitter and the DTR-T1000. Hopefully that handshake will work. What this gets rid of is any subsequent HDCP handshake out to the TV, so the troublesome combination of my TV and DTR-T1000 is avoided. Actually anything which regenerated the HDCP might have done the job but would have involved two HDCP handshakes as you say. With this device I don't introduce a second handshake.

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 14:06:36 #31 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Owen Smith - 22 minutes ago  » 
    I found this splitter on forums where people want to record the HDMI output of playing games on consoles. Many of these are HDCP protected so can't normally be recorded using HDMI capture cards. This splitter is the cheapest device those forums list that will strip the HDCP for you. Also if you read the and reviews for this splitter you will see many people recommending it for stripping HDCP to record HDMI output.
    I realise there is still an HDCP handshake between the splitter and the DTR-T1000. Hopefully that handshake will work. What this gets rid of is any subsequent HDCP handshake out to the TV, so the troublesome combination of my TV and DTR-T1000 is avoided. Actually anything which regenerated the HDCP might have done the job but would have involved two HDCP handshakes as you say. With this device I don't introduce a second handshake.

    Be interested to know if it works.

    | Sun 12 Jan 2014 14:30:03 #32 |
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    Owen Smith

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    Posts: 187


    Well the HDMI splitter (which strips HDCP) doesn't resolve the problem. Connected between the TV and the DTR-T1000 the red light comes on for the HDMI out to the TV but the red light next to the HDMI input does not come on. It does if I connect any other devices to the HDMI input. So I can only assume that whatever HDMI or HDCP problem the DTR-T1000 has which stops it talking to my TV also stops it talking to this HDMI splitter.

    If I connect it up to split the the signal from my HDR Fox T2 or my Oppo 95 Blu Ray player it does the job fine, the TV still receives a signal. I have no way of checking the second output (only one HDMI device, my TV) and no way of checking if HDCP has been stripped or not. But they weren't the point of this exercise.

    Oh well, it was worth a try.

    What I find worrying is the large number of people reporting this problem and yet no acknowledgement at all from either Humax or YouView that there is a problem.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2014 18:17:07 #33 |

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