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Planned software update for FVP 4000T

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    andyb63uk - 9 hours ago  » 
    When selecting a channel to watch from the guide, it used to go straight to the channel. NOW you get the synopsis screen with "Watch Live" you have to click on to go to the channel.
    I just don't get the point of that at all.
    Sometimes you get "Watch Live" & "Record Whole Series", which could be useful,

    I found out the hard way that the Record Whole Series doesn't include the programme that is currently underway.

    | Wed 7 Mar 2018 22:36:50 #101 |
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    Received the update a couple of days ago and all seemed OK initially.

    Today it is very sluggish to connect. My PC doesn't show in the options but might appear after a couple of minutes. Trying to connect to my PC via the Media option, every time a folder is clicked it sits saying 'connecting'.

    Sometimes it connects and sometimes it doesn't, it just shows upper folder without opening the folder. The only option is to click on the upper folder and it might go back - or not !

    If it ever does get to a programme it won't play - the screen just goes black and after five minutes - literally - it might play for a couple of seconds and stop.

    After having my 4000t for year now without any real problems I'm less than impressed with the 'update'.

    | Thu 8 Mar 2018 2:35:53 #102 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Ricinus - 11 hours ago  » 

    andyb63uk - 9 hours ago  » 
    When selecting a channel to watch from the guide, it used to go straight to the channel. NOW you get the synopsis screen with "Watch Live" you have to click on to go to the channel.
    I just don't get the point of that at all.
    Sometimes you get "Watch Live" & "Record Whole Series", which could be useful,

    I found out the hard way that the Record Whole Series doesn't include the programme that is currently underway.

    How would it record the start now that the programme has already started and the start recording message from the broadcaster has already been sent ? If you were watching from the beginning just press the instant record button.

    | Thu 8 Mar 2018 10:36:47 #103 |
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    I bought a 4000T over a year ago but stopped using it because I didn't like the interface, and in particular the slow response from the remote. I switched to a Panasonic but kept the 4000T in place for back-up. I was pleasantly surprised to see the new software when I switched to it yesterday. I think it is a great improvement and first impressions are that it is more responsive.

    | Fri 9 Mar 2018 17:31:54 #104 |
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    the 4000/5000 records from the buffer automatically so if the unit has been on since the program has started, pressing the instant record automatically records from the beginning of the program till the end.

    On the HDR you had to rewind to the beginning of the programme before pressing record, so that is one thing the 4000/5000 does better than the HDR

    | Fri 9 Mar 2018 18:42:18 #105 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Harters - 32 minutes ago  » 
    the 4000/5000 records from the buffer automatically so if the unit has been on since the program has started, pressing the instant record automatically records from the beginning of the program till the end.
    On the HDR you had to rewind to the beginning of the programme before pressing record, so that is one thing the 4000/5000 does better than the HDR

    It has to be booted and tuned to the channel for this to work. You can ensure this by setting a reminder even when recording 4. Once one of the four recording finishes pressing instant record will record the 5th channel. Doing it this way ensures the 5th channel can be viewed.

    | Fri 9 Mar 2018 19:18:02 #106 |
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    That is what I was trying to say when I said

    so if the unit has been on since the program has started

    I should have been clearer.

    I still have a love hate relationship with this machine, my current bugbear is the logos that keep disappearing at will, that has taken over the sluggish interface as my top peeve now!

    When they are there it looks super slick, when they are not it look like crap!

    | Sun 11 Mar 2018 11:23:53 #107 |
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    Since installing the update, for some reason the DNLA server doesn't work. (client on phone gives a 505 error, Other Humax box connects to it, but doesn't list any files, Windows Media player Doesn't even give the empty folders).

    Even weirder, It no longer lets me play media from a pendrive. (The drive doesn't appear in the browsable list). Strangely, if I put a pendrive in that I've previously used that still has a video on it that I've seen, I can play that using the recent history function.

    | Sun 11 Mar 2018 13:31:20 #108 |
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    Harters - 2 hours ago  » 
    I still have a love hate relationship with this machine, my current bugbear is the logos that keep disappearing at will, that has taken over the sluggish interface as my top peeve now!
    When they are there it looks super slick, when they are not it look like crap!

    My bugbear too (as you know), they were there yesterday, gone again today.

    I seem to be getting more occurrences of the unit failing to turn on fully lately. The light will come on but the hdmi will be giving no signal to the TV. A quick into standby and back out and it’s fine.

    | Sun 11 Mar 2018 13:58:17 #109 |
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    I've just realised that the volume controls don't work whilst using YouTube. The volume bar looks and moves normally, but the volume coming out the speakers remain at full.

    I've tried hardpowering off, but haven't reset the box. It's not too much of a problem, just a niggle.

    | Tue 13 Mar 2018 11:55:42 #110 |

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