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Planned software update for FVP 4000T

(112 posts)
  1. Stephenesque


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    aciddad - 1 hour ago  » 
    I now have two FVP-4000Ts, both refurbished from HumaxDirect. The first had 5000 software on, now overwritten by 1.03.39. The second also now has 1.03.39 having updated from 1.01.57.
    I've not had any of the problems being reported on either box.
    The only way I can get my boxes to revert to "list" for recordings is to do a power cycle. Are the users with this problem putting the box into standby or removing the power?

    I put mine into standby every night using the remote. I can't remember the last time that that I removed the power.

    I do have the power save feature on though which may account for it. It's not a big problem to press an extra couple of keys once a day to get back to Grid, just a small annoyance.

    | Mon 5 Mar 2018 18:48:01 #91 |
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    I also have the issue of a 4000 defaulting to list view since the update to 5000 software. As others have indicated, it only happens overnight - I can turn it onto standby as many times as I want during the day and it will stay on grid view. I have power saving on and it is left in standby overnight. Presumably some interaction with the overnight housekeeping processes? This makes it the same as the Home menu which when pressed normally remembers the last sub-menu I used (settings, recordings or whatever) but loses this knowledge overnight - my 4000 has always done that.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 8:14:57 #92 |
  3. Barry


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    Sue343 - 22 minutes ago  » 
    I also have the issue of a 4000 defaulting to list view since the update to 5000 software. As others have indicated, it only happens overnight - I can turn it onto standby as many times as I want during the day and it will stay on grid view. I have power saving on and it is left in standby overnight. Presumably some interaction with the overnight housekeeping processes?

    Correct re overnight housekeeping.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 8:38:20 #93 |
  4. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    I turn off 'Power saving on standby' mainly to allow the tv passthrough function. So TV will still get signal if box is off. I still get the recordings view defaulting back to list view each morning. House keeping still works I think even though power saving is off. My point it's the standby that matters not the power saving. I hope that's right.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 15:22:52 #94 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Paul Bton - 41 minutes ago  » 
    I turn off 'Power saving on standby' mainly to allow the tv passthrough function. So TV will still get signal if box is off. I still get the recordings view defaulting back to list view each morning. House keeping still works I think even though power saving is off. My point it's the standby that matters not the power saving. I hope that's right.

    Correct but you can easily save a bit of money by fitting a aerial splitter so you don't need to turn off power saving.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 16:06:10 #95 |


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    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 18:04:19 #96 |
  7. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    My update happened a couple of weeks ago now, so I have had plenty of time to play.

    There is only one thing that really annoys me, so much so I would happily revert back to the previous version.

    When selecting a channel to watch from the guide, it used to go straight to the channel. NOW you get the synopsis screen with "Watch Live" you have to click on to go to the channel.

    I just don't get the point of that at all.

    Sometimes you get "Watch Live" & "Record Whole Series", which could be useful, but just "Watch Live" is very annoying.

    I can't find a way to switch this feature off.

    | Wed 7 Mar 2018 12:53:47 #97 |
  8. aciddad


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    I put both my boxes into grid display last night, one with power saving on and the other off. Both had reverted to list this morning. Now I actually prefer list so this doesn't bother me but I can see why it would annoy those who prefer grid.
    Perhaps Humax would consider making this setting via the menus.


    | Wed 7 Mar 2018 13:22:46 #98 |
  9. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    andyb63uk - 44 minutes ago  » 
    My update happened a couple of weeks ago now, so I have had plenty of time to play.
    There is only one thing that really annoys me, so much so I would happily revert back to the previous version.
    When selecting a channel to watch from the guide, it used to go straight to the channel. NOW you get the synopsis screen with "Watch Live" you have to click on to go to the channel.
    I just don't get the point of that at all.
    Sometimes you get "Watch Live" & "Record Whole Series", which could be useful, but just "Watch Live" is very annoying.
    I can't find a way to switch this feature off.

    yes that is annoying. It would be ok if it linked to a 'watch from the beginning' button in that box

    | Wed 7 Mar 2018 13:40:03 #99 |
  10. Stephenesque


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    andyb63uk - 6 hours ago  » 
    My update happened a couple of weeks ago now, so I have had plenty of time to play.
    There is only one thing that really annoys me, so much so I would happily revert back to the previous version.
    When selecting a channel to watch from the guide, it used to go straight to the channel. NOW you get the synopsis screen with "Watch Live" you have to click on to go to the channel.
    I just don't get the point of that at all.
    Sometimes you get "Watch Live" & "Record Whole Series", which could be useful, but just "Watch Live" is very annoying.
    I can't find a way to switch this feature off.

    I'm pretty sure that lots of 4000T owners asked for this feature, finding the previous behaviour, changing the channel when all you wanted to see was a programme's synopsis, frustrating.

    Obviously you can't please everyone

    | Wed 7 Mar 2018 19:32:40 #100 |

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