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Playing audio on my 5000T

(20 posts)
  1. MartinEH


    Joined: Aug '20
    Posts: 17


    Well, I have converted an m4a file to mp3 using VLC, Media Player and Switch Sound File Converter. None of them are accepted by my 5000T. I will be forced to play the file on my laptop instead, but on the plus side I will also save all the tedious conversion.

    At the moment, it is 0/10 to Humax.

    Now to try to persuade get_iplayer to output mp3.

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 13:12:24 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Have you got a chromecast on your system ?

    If you play back the music in Windows Media Player. The 500OT is listed as a streaming destination.

    I will post an image

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 13:25:19 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Windows media casting audio to 5000T


    1. Stream_to_5000T.jpg (205.1 KB, 1 downloads) 4 years old
    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 13:38:43 #13 |
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    There's something odd here. I can get .m4a and .mp3 files to play from a USB stick.

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 16:10:24 #14 |
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    Could it be because iPlayer download files have a 30 day limit built in?

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 16:27:47 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    SSThing - 1 hour ago  » 
    Could it be because iPlayer download files have a 30 day limit built in?

    The Op at least infers they play OK on his laptop. Good point though.

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 17:48:54 #16 |
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    MartinEH - 1 day ago  » 
    I am trying to play an audio file from a memory stick. The manual tells me that I can play mp3 files, but the machine rejects them as "incorrect format". Does anybody know what I need to do to play them?

    I'm wondering whether the "incorrect format" message is referring to the format of the memory stick, or the individual files. Please would clarify.

    Can you see each individual file when examining the memory stick on the FVP-5000T, or do you get the "incorrect format" when attempting to list the files?

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 20:06:17 #17 |
  8. MartinEH


    Joined: Aug '20
    Posts: 17


    Well, I tried my stick again which contains a mixture of video and audio files. All the files were visible and some videos played correctly, avi and mkv but not mp4; and when I tried to play audio files, they seemed to start, but then stopped. The message was the same for both video and audio failures: "Cannot support this music file due to invalid file format"


    Then I tried a different USB stick with the same files and it worked! So Luke has guessed right - for some reason the stick is OK on both my PCs and partly works on my 5000T but It looks as if Humax is more fussy than Windoze. Bin time for the stick.

    I am sorry to have wasted everybody's time, but for me, I have found a good source of file converter websites.

    Many thanks for all your suggestions.


    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 22:54:39 #18 |
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    MartinEH - 13 hours ago  » 
    Bin time for the stick.

    Can't you try to reformat the stick? Check the format of the stick that worked and reformat the "dud" one to match. Might work.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 12:52:02 #19 |
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    I've found Maniac Tool's Free M4a to MP3 Converter very quick and easy to use when converting iPlayer audio files.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2020 15:15:46 #20 |

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