My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Power supply connector

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    Having used an Freesat SD for a while I've bought a HDR 1010s. I know it has the hard drive issue and I'll check on the forum to see what can be done, but it arrived without a power supply. I've bought a 12v 4amp power supply but the connector does not fit. I presume the standard size is 2.5mm x 5.5mm but it appears the Humax is 3mm (or so) x 5.5mm. Does anyone know the exact size so I don't waste money on a second incompatible supply. Thanks!

    | Wed 22 Mar 2017 19:57:09 #1 |
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    did you ever get a reply ?
    I'm in the same boat now,,,, have several psu but none of the plugs fit the humax.

    | Fri 18 Jan 2019 14:20:16 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Timmynana - 1 year ago  » 
    Having used an Freesat SD for a while I've bought a HDR 1010s. I know it has the hard drive issue and I'll check on the forum to see what can be done, but it arrived without a power supply. I've bought a 12v 4amp power supply but the connector does not fit. I presume the standard size is 2.5mm x 5.5mm but it appears the Humax is 3mm (or so) x 5.5mm. Does anyone know the exact size so I don't waste money on a second incompatible supply. Thanks!

    | Fri 18 Jan 2019 15:20:15 #3 |
  4. paulrichardson


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    Hi Guys,
    If you've got the PSU already, I bet one of these would fit.


    | Tue 22 Jan 2019 17:24:04 #4 |
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    I came across this post while I was researching dc power supply plugs to fit my FVP-4000T.

    If you need an adapter to fit a power supply with standard 2.1mm x 5.5mm barrel jack, this one should fit:-

    If you can solder on a plug (it's fiddly) this one worked for me:-

    The plug is referenced Lumberg 1636-04 and the size is 5.5mm x 3.3mm with 1mm centre pin, it can be found on Ebay as well as Farnell and RS online. Be sure to match the power requirements of your Humax to the power supply; all the Humax boxes I've seen run on 12 volts, my FVP-4000T needs 2.5 amps min. whereas an HDR-1100S needs 4 amps.

    | Fri 1 Mar 2024 8:20:43 #5 |

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