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Problem with recording half way though a programme

(13 posts)
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    Matthew, Graham already explained that if you change briefly to another channel, and back again, it will clear the buffer. However, have a look at my post from a few minutes ago, it makes life so much easier.

    | Wed 30 Jun 2021 22:04:04 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Apache - 10 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for getting back to me, is there a way to clear the buffer out ?
    Can you let me know.

    No the buffer file isn't like a normal file. When it gets to the end it starts over recording the existing contents so in effect a circular buffer and therefore the file is a fixed size. When you change to a new channel a the box maintains a pointer to this location. Pressing instant recording creates a new recording starting from this point which continues to the end of the programme. You can watch this recording in chasing playback like any other scheduled recording.

    | Thu 1 Jul 2021 8:15:54 #12 |
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    I will change to other channel briefly and then change back.

    I will let you know the out come.


    | Thu 1 Jul 2021 18:17:06 #13 |

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