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PVR 9150T Using Humaxrw in Linux

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    Well I've now copied the files from the Humax drive using HumaxRW and a live version of a 32-bit Linux Mint. I'll go into more details later about how.
    And yes, I've saved them to my actual hard drive and not the live version folders!

    My question for now though: is there any way of knowing whether they'll be playable after formatting the Humax drive and transferring them back, or is it just a case of needing to do that and hoping?!
    They don't seem playable on the computer, so it would be good to check I've got all the right info and formats and there's nothing further that needs doing before formatting the Humax drive.

    There were 3 programmes I was able to back up in normal mode, and the others I had to use the recovery mode to copy the files over, but the programme listings and information was there for almost all of them.

    | Tue 12 May 2020 18:46:23 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    dave2319 - 2 hours ago  » 
    They don't seem playable on the computer

    What software are you using to try and play them? They certainly ought to be playable with something like vlc.

    | Tue 12 May 2020 21:40:58 #12 |
  3. jpv1960


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    What is the extension of the video files? .mpg2, .m2ts, .ts.

    They should play via vlc as Martin has already mentioned, you may need to download the right codec. You can also copy one file onto a usb stick and plug it directly onto the tv (if it has usb), a dvd player (most modern players have this option) another Humax box, or a PC (many packages, like vlc, mpc-hc, Nero, plex etc)

    | Tue 12 May 2020 22:44:22 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    jpv1960 - 28 mins ago  » 
    What is the extension of the video files? .mpg2, .m2ts, .ts.

    Downloaded from a 9150T they will be unencrypted .ts files.

    | Tue 12 May 2020 23:17:51 #14 |
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    Thanks guys.
    Jpv, I'll have a look into those options.
    Martin, they are indeed .ts files, and I wasn't doing the right thing to get them to play on the computer but now they're working! Thanks.

    This might be a silly question but: the ones from the recovery mode are simply numbered such as "recover_0001.ts", so would it be sensible, or is there any need, to right-click and select "Rename" and put in the correct programme title before transferring them back to the Humax drive? Would the new info carry across?

    | Wed 13 May 2020 0:10:24 #15 |
  6. jpv1960


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    Yes, you will need to rename the files to correct programme titles.

    | Wed 13 May 2020 8:40:54 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    dave2319 - 9 hours ago  » 

    This might be a silly question but: the ones from the recovery mode are simply numbered such as "recover_0001.ts", so would it be sensible, or is there any need, to right-click and select "Rename" and put in the correct programme title before transferring them back to the Humax drive? Would the new info carry across?

    I suggest you read this very comprehensive description of the process for putting files back before you start renaming

    | Wed 13 May 2020 10:03:33 #17 |

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