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PVR9200 Update and Timer question

(15 posts)
  1. Biggles


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    Deltatango - 7 minutes ago  » 

    It brings me to a question in what form does the humax like its drive, at the moment its set to Master and unallocated (re-windows).

    Original drive is set to Cable Select.

    | Thu 19 Nov 2015 19:33:16 #11 |
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    Thanks I will set that, but I wondered if it had a "taste" for certain hard drive makers to that end picked up a couple of seagates (plenty around) possibly pulled from similar equipment anyway, with tired bearings and overused sections of its platter but at least I can compare results.

    Many thanks

    | Fri 20 Nov 2015 23:59:54 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Deltatango - 40 minutes ago  » 
    but I wondered if it had a "taste" for certain hard drive makers to that end picked up a couple of seagates (plenty around) possibly pulled from similar equipment anyway,

    The 9200T is quite fussy about what drives it will accept although there have been reports of various non-standard drives working but from far too long ago for me to remember details. Trial and error I am afraid.

    | Sat 21 Nov 2015 0:42:07 #13 |
  4. Biggles


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    I seem to remember some Western Digital drives taking too long to become active at switch-on, longer than the 9200 was prepared to wait so they weren’t detected reliably.

    | Sat 21 Nov 2015 10:16:16 #14 |
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    I agree, purchased two of the used seagates I think it used when new lots about for £5(told it that it was from a relative)and you can tell the "joy" during boot up with each sequence carried out in a swift solid manner.

    I would liken it to a child getting its favourite cuddly toy back after mum has washed and dried it.

    I agree that either it took longer than time alloted to reach an "OK" state, language problems or this drive has an 8Mb cache and may not have imparted enough data at first. Or maybe the humax was a bit jealous? that it had so much memory on hand.........

    Reset everything manual tuned and all seems well just got to give it another hdmi card then if all is well pass it to a person I know who might benefit from it.

    I know its a relic but worth putting a note about it under the respective heading about hard drive choices for this range.

    Thank you for your help

    | Sat 21 Nov 2015 16:08:41 #15 |

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