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Question about Standby

(18 posts)


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    You should find an option on the TV to disable HDMI-CEC. (see he first post in the thread linked to in #9 for what your TV calls it,

    | Wed 17 Jul 2013 5:25:18 #11 |
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    Thanks guys I've sorted the TV switching off the Humax box as per your suggestions

    damian - 5 days ago <a
    I'd start by getting your TV/Humax into a state where the TV doesn't switch off the Humax and then check the start up times.

    Unfortunately the startup time is still the same as before

    I've got my settings:

    Automatic Power down: OFF
    Standby Mode: Normal

    so I'm preventing it going into standby so I haven't got to wait ages every time I want to watch TV, does anyone think this could cause problems? I have had the odd occasion in the past where the box just shuts itself down whilst in the middle of a programme. Could that be because its on all the time and getting too hot?

    Does anyone think I should take this box back?

    Thanks again


    EDIT: if it helps: I have a Sony Bravia KDL-37W5710 and the Humax box is plugged into it using a thick Belkin hdmi cable with gold connectors. I also have a Sony blu-ray player plugged into the telly via hdmi, otherwise that's it, a very simple set-up.

    | Mon 22 Jul 2013 15:44:56 #12 |
  3. Barry


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    Methinks you are going to have to bit the bullet and reformat as suggested by Graham in post #5

    | Mon 22 Jul 2013 16:09:06 #13 |
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    Don't know if my Foxsat is normal or not, it starts like this (when the tv is showing its internal tuner);
    1 press Humax on
    2 5 secs, it shows the Humax start splash (TV's EC on)
    3 26 secs, the tv returns to its internal tuner (TV's EC Off)
    4 38 sec, Humax starts fully.(TV's EC on again)
    The tv (a Panasonic TH37PX60B Plasma) shows that the EC control for the HDMI input is operating. Is that the HDMI-CEC?
    When the Humax starts a timed recording, it wakes up 15 minutes before the recording is due to start, the clock comes on in the display. Then when the time to start comes, the tv switches to the Humax for 3 seconds, and then back again, and the recording carries on.
    When I switch off, the tv goes back to its own tuner (EC off).
    I am using Raydons Custom Firmware Version : 4.0.8

    | Tue 23 Jul 2013 18:21:15 #14 |


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    bobdisk - I think you have posted in the wrong thread and this should be moved to the Foxsat HDR thread.

    The boot times with the custom firmware can vary if you run the channel editor application, as on the first boot of the day following the 03:00 housekeeping boot about 10 extra seconds is needed to update flash memory.

    The Foxsat does not support HDMI-CEC.

    | Wed 24 Jul 2013 6:35:34 #15 |
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    Sorry, Can it be moved to the right place please?

    | Thu 25 Jul 2013 6:28:59 #16 |
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    I have an old Panasonic CRT TV (haven't felt the need for an upgrade to FS because got a Projector for the movies etc.

    Anyway my box is connected through RGB scart has the TV does not have HDMI.

    My box takes about 15 seconds to show the first startup logo but can then sometimes take 3 to show the TV. At other rare times it takes around 60 seconds.

    I really don't want to reformat the HD because I have stuff on it that I haven't watched yet and would like to keep but this very slow boot up to tv is really annoying

    Also I hope they get rid of this displaying the menu when it starts up as it really bugs me.

    | Wed 7 Aug 2013 9:20:09 #17 |
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    I should have updated to say that I did the hard drive reformat and the boot time is now down to 35 seconds which is more acceptable. Thanks everyone for all the advice. I'm not massively impressed with this box but there doesn't seem to be an alternative choice for me at the moment so will stick with it.

    Barry - 2 weeks ago  » 
    Methinks you are going to have to bit the bullet and reformat as suggested by Graham in post #5

    | Wed 7 Aug 2013 12:10:39 #18 |

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