JoMo - 27 mins ago »
I only use PVRs as PVRs. As I said, I've put the Aura into storage (for now) and intend on swapping the HDD for an SSD in my old FVP-5000T (separate post elsewhere on forum). As I understand it there's a major update coming for the Aura. I'll keep an eye on the forums to see how that works out, and if it looks like there are improvements, then maybe I'll unbox again and give it a try. THanks for the advice though.
Did you actually give the Aura a chance or just gone by the comments on here?
I purchased my Aura shortly after it was released and currently apart from a couple of niggles I seem to be one of the lucky ones who has got a good one and have no major complaints. It is a far superior PVR to the 5000 IMHO and the interface is so much faster than the sluggish one on the 5000.
My usage, apart from the standard PVR side also includes heavy Plex and YouTube usage and for those things it performs brilliantly.
Others will disagree, but I have no real complaints. My friends 5000 recently packed up and she is thrilled with her new Aura I set up for her, so I am not the only one who is happy.
| Fri 10 Jan 2025 10:29:46
#8 |