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Record live stops after a minute or two

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    I have an FVP4k v1.03.47 and I'm trying to record the current live show. If I go to the EPG it only gives me the Watch Live option but i can go back to the show and just press the red record button and it displays the start recording window briefly and if I switch to the recordings list i can see it has started recording the show but stops almost immediately. Like it's taking whatever is in the live buffer but disregarding the rest? Am I missing something or is this a bug?

    | Thu 27 Dec 2018 23:28:27 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    This will only work if you haven't changed the live channel and the box was tuned to the channel when the programme started. If you switch to a different channel the buffer resets to the programme you have just switched to.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 10:12:41 #2 |
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    I don't think it's that. I've just tried some tests today and i can switch to bbc1 press record then switch to itv and press record and it'll quite happily start recording both but then while viewing the recordings list it'll stop recording both channels even though I'm still on itv. Start a recording of kindergarten cop on itv, stay on itv and after a minute or two the recording stops no other recording happening at the time.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 11:06:26 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    The instant record button doesn't work like that. It copies content from the time shift buffer file from when it started recording the channel to the time you pressed the instant record button creating a full recording you have switched to using a tuner to complete the recording. When you switch to a different channel the time switch buffer resets to the new channel. Pressing instant record will only record from the time you changed channels. Instant record will only work for instance if you are watching a channel and a programme starts you fancy recording if you leave it 30 seconds or so then press instant record you will get the record buffer contents transferred to a new recording beginning with the end coming from the live stream which of course needs a tuner to record the rest. Anything transmitted before you started watching will not be on the recording.

    If you change to a new channel there is no content in the timeshift buffer to create the first part of a new recording. There's only 1 time shift buffer file not one for every channel in the epg.

    Try doing what you want using three of the HD channels from 101 to 105. Because these are on the same Mux you can record up to 4 at the same time so you will have enough tuners but will lose the beginning of the second programme you choose to record.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 12:51:59 #4 |
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    You're missing the point the recording is stopping even if i don't change channels

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 12:58:15 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    micmac - 2 minutes ago  » 

    You're missing the point the recording is stopping even if i don't change channels

    How much of the live broadcast is available when you press the button. If the live programme has ended. the recording will stop when the programme completes. If you happen to be a few minutes from the end of the programme of course it will stop recording very soon.


    If you have been tuned to a channel and after 55 mins of a 60 minute programme and you then press the instant record button within a short period you will have a 55min recording file that you can view (chasing playback) with the actual recording stopping 5 minutes later.

    Did you check the recorded file to see if the programme was complete.

    Can you pause a live channel ?

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 13:08:30 #6 |
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    Film maybe 20% through a 90 minute film, start recording after watching channel for a couple of minutes. Records for a minute or two and stops, even when I haven't changed channel. Recording holds the minute or two + whatever it had already saved before I pressed record.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 15:33:06 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    micmac - 1 hour ago  » 
    Film maybe 20% through a 90 minute film, start recording after watching channel for a couple of minutes. Records for a minute or two and stops, even when I haven't changed channel. Recording holds the minute or two + whatever it had already saved before I pressed record.

    Can you pause live TV 30 mins or so after switching to a new channel. After releasing pause does instant record produce the 30 mins recording.

    Symptoms could be corrupted time shift file. You might have to format the HDD. Did you try live pause before pressing record ?

    Before that if you can save 30 mins of content, try a reset to factory defaults.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2018 16:52:04 #8 |
  9. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    I have found that instant record only records 7 minutes exactly of a programme then mysteriously stops recording. This is without changing channel. I am try a reset to factory settings

    | Thu 19 Sep 2019 19:06:26 #9 |
  10. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    I have found that instant record only records 7 minutes exactly of a programme then mysteriously stops recording. This is without changing channel. I am trying a reset to factory settings

    | Thu 19 Sep 2019 19:07:21 #10 |

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