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Recording failed due to loss of power

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    Joined: Feb '16
    Posts: 37


    Has anyone been experiencing failed recordings due to a reported loss of power recently, where the recordings start but then stop early for no apparent reason. I have had three over the last week. There was a period a few years ago when I got a lot of these, but that was then solved by a software update, and I don't know why they have started again. I haven't changed any settings and the box says it hasn't had a software update since April. This time round, I have not yet experienced one while I am actually using the box (this used to just look like a spontaneous reboot) but only when I have left the box to record in my absence. Just wondered whether others were having similar problems of late or whether it is just my 4000t box?

    | Thu 3 Oct 2019 7:05:31 #1 |
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    I've got a 5000t box and last week Junior Doctors on BBC1 HD failed part way through due to loss of power (although there was no power loss in the house as my bedroom clock always flashes and the time needs resetting when we're had any power cuts). Before this one I hadn't had any for a good 3-4 months. I've only ever seen it happen once in front of me which I agree was like a spontaneous reboot, the box froze and then rebooted. On all other occasions it's been when I haven't been around to notice what's happened until the morning when I see the broken recording icon.

    | Thu 3 Oct 2019 10:12:40 #2 |
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    Many thanks for the reply. There seem to be two of us at least.

    | Thu 3 Oct 2019 17:52:16 #3 |
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    Forgive my stating the obvious - but perhaps the power supply to the box is not firmly plugged in - to the mains 240V socket or the plug in the back of the FVP.

    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 7:20:30 #4 |
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    Maybe unrelated, but similar. I have the HDR1000S. For some time I've been having problems with the mains RCD which covers that part of the house tripping unexpectedly. Spent an inordinate amount of time, energy and money trying to pin it down. Finally when checking around the HDR I noticed that the external power brick for the box was quite hot, sourced a new one from Ebay and, fingers crossed, no more problems. The new one is rated at a higher current output than the old one and runs completely cold. Worth checking your power brick for temperature after its been running for a while.
    This is the replacement...

    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 8:02:14 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I had a reported loss of power broken recording last week which seemed to coincide with me putting the box into standby whilst a recording was in process; obviously it should work OK.

    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 10:31:14 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    I get a few of these reported as failed when starting playback. About 99% start playback after 15 seconds or so. They all seem to record fine to the end.

    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 10:59:03 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 
    I get a few of these reported as failed when starting playback. About 99% start playback after 15 seconds or so. They all seem to record fine to the end.

    In the case I mentioned what should have been a 30 minute recording was only 10 minutes so no hope of it playing properly.

    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 13:36:25 #8 |
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    Graham, Pollens, Martin - thanks for the responses.

    Graham - always helpful to have the obvious pointed out, but the power supply connections seem very tight. Of course that doesn't rule out the possibility that the cable has become faulty (Pollensa's point), but it seems to be only mildly warm after several hours on, so there is no obvious sign of it. And, Martin, my recording failures gave been some time after I switched it to standby, so I don't think that is the cause.

    I have been trying to avoid the hassle of a factory reset, but maybe I will have to try that.

    Thanks again


    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 13:46:28 #9 |
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    I've seen this error, but if I recall correctly it's always been with channels like ITV 4 BBC 4 and programs I've tried to record past midnight, always assumed it's because the box powers down at 12 and doesn't always 'wake-up' to record

    For info I checked the temp of my wall wart and it's 34c

    | Fri 4 Oct 2019 16:34:56 #10 |

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