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Recording failed due to loss of power

(30 posts)
  1. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    Hi all, I've had the same problem. We went to Berlin for a long weekend last Friday 4th October, when we returned our 4000t had frozen up, and after a hard reboot we found that all the recordings that should have happened from Saturday evening had failed due to loss of power. There had been no power cut over the weekend.

    Could this be a power supply problem, imminent HDD failure or some kind of alien influence?

    Any thoughts?

    | Thu 10 Oct 2019 19:58:23 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andyb63uk - 14 hours ago  » 
    Hi all, I've had the same problem. We went to Berlin for a long weekend last Friday 4th October, when we returned our 4000t had frozen up, and after a hard reboot we found that all the recordings that should have happened from Saturday evening had failed due to loss of power. There had been no power cut over the weekend.

    I have seen this happen very occasionally on various PVRs over many years without any subsequent problems. My advice is if it happens again in the next few months then start to worry about the hardware. If it doesn't then put it down to the software on the box getting itself into an odd state.

    | Fri 11 Oct 2019 10:02:23 #12 |
  3. Trev


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    I wonder if a time switch to give it a power reboot on a daily basis would help?

    | Fri 11 Oct 2019 10:47:28 #13 |
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    Three days ago it happened for the first time on my FVP-5000T, seven minutes into a recording. There was no "loss of power" anywhere else in the house. Is this a problem with the hardware or with the software?

    | Tue 29 Oct 2019 8:04:26 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    @pamandphil - 2 hours ago  » 
    Three days ago it happened for the first time on my FVP-5000T, seven minutes into a recording. There was no "loss of power" anywhere else in the house. Is this a problem with the hardware or with the software?

    I would guess it is a software issue possibly caused by a momentary glitch in reception.

    | Tue 29 Oct 2019 10:40:34 #15 |
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    As the person who started this chain, I can report that I did a factory reset after the initial set of failures, which appeared to work in as much as I got no failures for 3 weeks. But I have now had three over the last 4 days. Plus, I have had one, I think, when the machine was in standby but not recording - I say this because I have had a day when the recording list/grid switch has been reset to list part way through the day but this should only happen overnight. I am not sure how this would fit in with the theory of it being a software issue caused by a temporary glitch in reception. It seems a bit like a spontaneous reboot for no reason, but I have not had any yet when actually watching. Intriguing that a factory reset appeared to temporarily solve the problem, but infuriating that it wasn't a permanent solution.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2019 7:35:15 #16 |
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    Sorry to hear you are still having trouble Sue.
    I haven't had anymore 'failed recordings due to power loss' since I wrote on this thread. I have kept a list of them though since I got my box (a year ago) to try to see if there were a pattern to them- I didn't find one though.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2019 9:05:33 #17 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Sue343 - 1 hour ago  » 
    It seems a bit like a spontaneous reboot for no reason, but I have not had any yet when actually watching.

    What you call a spontaneous reboot is the Humax software crashing and then restarting. It happens very occasionally in all PVRs and there is very little the user can do other than complain to Humax.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2019 9:32:16 #18 |
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    Anyone had anymore failed recordings due to lose of power?
    I had one on Saturday 2nd November at 22.45 when recording on BBC2HD. No loss of power in the house as I was still up doing a jigsaw.

    | Wed 6 Nov 2019 10:43:13 #19 |
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    I forgot to say after looking at my list of when they've happened. I can see it's nearly always between 10pm-11.30pm not sure if that is relevant at all, but what times are other peoples happening?

    | Wed 6 Nov 2019 10:45:41 #20 |

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