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Recording failed due to loss of power

(30 posts)
  1. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    I'm guessing that there's no solution to this problem then?

    | Wed 6 Nov 2019 22:48:34 #21 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    Christina2018 - 2 days ago  » 
    I forgot to say after looking at my list of when they've happened. I can see it's nearly always between 10pm-11.30pm not sure if that is relevant at all, but what times are other peoples happening?

    I've had a couple recently and one of them was during the day on BBC1 hd between noon and 1pm. I can't remember when the other one was.

    I always get an 'failed recording' message at the start of BBC4 recordings, but they are there and play through to the end.

    | Sat 9 Nov 2019 8:00:11 #22 |
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    Just joined to say I’m having this issue over the past few weeks. Power hasn’t been off, it just fails to record with the same message.

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 8:12:56 #23 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    powman1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Just joined to say I’m having this issue over the past few weeks. Power hasn’t been off, it just fails to record with the same message.

    Please could you tell us which programmes (giving channel, time and date) failed to record properly. Also which transmitter your Humax is tuned to.

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 10:54:51 #24 |
  5. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    Various channels at various times from Emley Moor transmitter. Not sure how this would cause a power failure!

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 11:04:08 #25 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andyb63uk - 2 hours ago  » 
    Various channels at various times from Emley Moor transmitter. Not sure how this would cause a power failure!

    Nobody is suggesting it is actually a power failure: to try and understand the problem we need to get data about what is happening and just possibly a pattern will emerge. It would be helpful if you could post in this thread when it happens again with more precise details.

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 14:05:04 #26 |
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    Just to add to the confusion. I've had problems with recordings on Forces TV indicating a power failure (Waltham transmitter). The recorded programme often doesn't show any problems. However, I have noticed that if I go to this channel "live" I get a message about weak signal. It can take up to 30 seconds for the channel to tune in. Once it does, it seems to behave itself, and the signal is good. I suspect this might be the cause of the "power failure" message. I thought it might be connected with the multiplex being on a single frequency network but, as the problem is appearing elsewhere with other people, clearly not.
    I wonder if the Humax is too keen to report problems based on the fact it hasn't tuned in within a certain time.

    | Sun 1 Dec 2019 17:43:21 #27 |
  8. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    andyb63uk - 4 weeks ago  » 
    I'm guessing that there's no solution to this problem then?

    Looks that way

    | Thu 5 Dec 2019 22:41:18 #28 |
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    I had another one a couple of evenings ago.
    Monday 9.23pm - I watching Cold Feet live on ITV1HD whilst recording Channel4HD and BBC1HD. Everything was fine and then the picture on Cold Feet froze for a few seconds whilst I could still hear the audio from the programme and then the box, all on it's own accord, rebooted itself. As I was there I was able to quickly manually start recording the two programmes I had been recording which obviously stopped recording during the reboot so I only missed a minute or so. It's my first 'failed due to lose of power' since November.

    | Thu 13 Feb 2020 8:04:45 #29 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Christina2018 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Monday 9.23pm - I watching Cold Feet live on ITV1HD whilst recording Channel4HD and BBC1HD. Everything was fine and then the picture on Cold Feet froze for a few seconds whilst I could still hear the audio from the programme and then the box, all on it's own accord, rebooted itself. As I was there I was able to quickly manually start recording the two programmes I had been recording which obviously stopped recording during the reboot so I only missed a minute or so. It's my first 'failed due to lose of power' since November.

    I think that is the Humax software crashing and then restarting. Every PVR I have owned will do this occasionally; I assume due to a rarely experienced software bug (or bugs).

    | Thu 13 Feb 2020 10:32:44 #30 |

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