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Recording problems

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    Hi, I have two of the Aura boxes one 2tb and a 1tb ,with the 2tb when watching a recorded programme and I fast foward to skip commercials it jumps back to the begining any one else had this issue ? thanks.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2023 7:18:33 #1 |
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    special member
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    It's one of the auras standard issues if you search through this forum you will find many posts about it.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2023 10:13:56 #2 |
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    special member
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    It is a problem if you press the skip forward button too quickly to get a faster skip speed.
    Press the skip forward button once and look at the time line at the bottom of the screen wait until the aura has made the time line red showing it is up to the time period you want to advance from. Now press the skip button again and again to get a faster skip speed, it should work now.

    An alternative way of skipping forward is to press the up arrow above the OK button, you will now see thumbnails in 10 second intervals, press and/ or hold the right arrow button next to the OK button to skip ahead. Using this method you can clearly see where the adverts end and your programme resumes. If you need to rewind you can use the left
    arrow to go backwards.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2023 10:28:19 #3 |
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    VitaminD - 4 mins ago  » 
    It is a problem if you press the skip forward button too quickly to get a faster skip speed.
    Press the skip forward button once and look at the time line at the bottom of the screen wait until the aura has made the time line red showing it is up to the time period you want to advance from. Now press the skip button again and again to get a faster skip speed, it should work now.
    An alternative way of skipping forward is to press the up arrow above the OK button, you will now see thumbnails in 10 second intervals, press and/ or hold the right arrow button next to the OK button to skip ahead. Using this method you can clearly see where the adverts end and your programme resumes. If you need to rewind you can use the left
    arrow to go backwards.

    Thanks Yes done that what happens when I go to play again it reverts back to the start , on my 1 tb I do the same thing but thats fine the issue is with the 2 tb only , I have emailed them but will be phoning

    | Sat 18 Feb 2023 10:35:35 #4 |

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