Graham. It has to be said, that we always leave the Humax ON. However, there are exceptions. If we switch TV on and we are greeted by a box stating it is searching for new channels and updates, it seems to remain there. After about 15 mins, we get fed up, turn Humax OFF/ON then the box has gone and we have to reset our preferences to record again, but it has to be said, not all of them disappear.
If I could give you another clue to work on. Our region is South to South/East. I google for an Exeter postcode and enter that into our settings, that way, we get South/West news & local Spotlight. I'm adding this in case it's of value to a diagnosis.
Ref my 7 day theory of recordings.
On Wed 18th, I was able to see a highlighted section for 7 days only taking me up to 24th.
On Thu 19th, I was able to see a highlighted section for 7 days only
taking me up to 25th.
Interestingly enough, it had moved on automatically to show 7 days preferences.
Today, 20th, it had moved on to show up to 26th
So, this appears to prove it will only show 7 days preferences in advance.
So I cancelled both Emmerdale & Corrie full stop. Left it a minute, the I have been through process of setting series for those two. It now shows 8 days .
It is my intention NOT to touch any settings now and wait to see what happens in a day or so. That is, unless you are able to come up with anything. My gut feeling is that maybe the Humax needed replacing. Its about 7 yrs old I think.
Ref your:-
When episodes are added to the epg they should be picked up automatically provided the broadcaster has supplied the correct crid codes.
Changes in channel line ups are handled during overnight housekeeping, provided the box is left in sby overnight. If you leave it on this will not happen.
Removing the box power should not affect any settings, if it does the box likely has a nvram fault.
What are these two items underlined?
| Fri 20 Jul 2018 14:05:56
#4 |