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Recording stops after 11 minutes on channel 4 & 5

(4 posts)
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    The common factor is when I record weekly, series, on channel 4 & 5, starting at 2200, they stop at 2211. The recording times have been set for 60 or 30 minutes but switches off after 11 minutes.
    Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | Sat 8 Nov 2014 22:45:49 #1 |
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    special member
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    This curious behaviour has been reported before with late evening recordings lasting only a very repetitive 10 minutes. Unfortunately I can't locate the thread. It may have been on the defunct forum.

    Unless someone else can remember what was done or knows otherwise then I would make a note of your schedule and then do a default to factory settings (but DON'T format the HDD) followed by a manual retune as described at the following link:

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 8:46:45 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    This problem is reported now and again, and I do not recall that anyone has ever got to the bottom of it. I've tried replicating without success and I know others have as well.

    You could try the usual when problems are reported, default reset, ensure only tuned to one transmitter, but I doubt that will help.

    Any reason you are setting manual timers and not using the series link option?

    Edit: Luke typed faster

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 8:47:32 #3 |
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    new member
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    I appreciate your reply and suggestions.

    I tend to set the time manually as I was fed up with losing the end of programmes. Manually I can add on two minutes and see the whole programme. I sometimes link record and change the end time by two minutes. Is this the problem? I have had the 11 minute cut off problem happening three times on 10.00pm link recorded programmes.

    I have recorded manually and added on the extra minutes equalling total record time of, say, 62 minutes, only to find the recording is 59 minutes and I've lost the ending again. My clock is reading the right time.

    I seem to have more than one problem, eh?


    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 11:08:36 #4 |

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