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Recordings stopping after less than a minute

(42 posts)
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    Joined: Feb '16
    Posts: 37


    Has anyone else had this problem? Over the last 3 or 4 days I have had 6 recordings that have started at the right time but stopped after less than a minute, but leaving no error message. This has happened both when the machine (4000t) was coming on from standby and when it was in use at the time. It has affected programmes on BBC2, BBC4, ITV and Channel 5 (all SD). On a couple of occasions it has happened to two recordings simultaneously, although a third recording going on at the time has been unaffected. It happened last night to Vera on ITV, which I happened to notice straight away, so I set it to record on ITV+1, but exactly the same thing happened with the ITV+1 recording. I can't work out whether this is a CRID problem, a transmitter problem (Crystal Palace) or a problem with my machine. Before I try a default setting, I thought I would ask whether anyone is experiencing it.

    | Mon 27 Jan 2020 7:34:55 #1 |
  2. mickiow


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    Hi Sue 343,
    I also have an Humax (4000t)updated to software updated to
    1.03.51 in April 2019, doing the same last night Monday 27-1-2019, I record Coronation Street, the first one at 7.30 pm only recorded one minute of it, the second episode at 8.30 recorded the full programme

    I too have had other recordings effected over the last few days.

    | Tue 28 Jan 2020 9:43:13 #2 |
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    Hi Mick. Thanks for your reply. Interesting that I am not the only one. Can you recall whether your incidents cover a range of channels like mine? Also, what transmitter are you on? It is a new type of fault for me, so if there are others like you who are suddenly experiencing it, the less likely it is to be a machine fault and the more likely it is to be a CRID or transmitter issue I would have thought. But others on the forum may know more than me. Sue

    | Tue 28 Jan 2020 9:51:30 #3 |
  4. mickiow


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    Hi Sue,
    I forgot to mention that It also happened to me with: Vera on ITV Sunday.
    I will keep a record of it happening, and see if other channels are effected.
    I am on the Isle of Wight and so use Rowridge.

    | Tue 28 Jan 2020 10:44:18 #4 |
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    Further to this, I had the same thing happened on my 5000T with the Portillo programme about Alaska on BBC2HD on Saturday (Great American Railroad Journeys). Crystal Palace transmitter.

    Thank goodness for iPlayer.

    | Thu 30 Jan 2020 14:36:08 #5 |
  6. mickiow


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    I have had 5 more one minute recordings on my Humax (4000t)updated to software updated to 1.03.51 in April 2019,this time all on C5

    | Thu 30 Jan 2020 17:42:20 #6 |
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    I've just tried my 5000T on C5HD and BBC4 and didn't find this problem. That isn't to say it doesn't happen, just that it didn't on the two programmes I tried. (Waltham transmitter - East Midlands).
    I normally always use padding anyway, rather than rely on the broadcasters to send the correct signal. Obviously has disadvantages, but I picked up the whole of Vera without a problem.

    | Thu 30 Jan 2020 19:14:27 #7 |
  8. Biggles


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    This occasionally happened when I used to use my 9200 so it sounds like it's nothing new. It occured when the machine started recording early for some reason then stopped at what should have been the correct start point. As I understand it there is no start and stop signal as such, it is just a change of running state.

    | Thu 30 Jan 2020 20:03:28 #8 |
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    Joined: Feb '16
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    Thanks for all the comments. After several days of perfect recordings, I had another 45 second recording last night - C4 this time. If, as Biggles suggested, this is just something that happens sometimes, does anyone have any idea why it has suddenly started happening to me, and, by the sound of it, at least a couple of others?

    | Sun 2 Feb 2020 7:27:58 #9 |
  10. Trev


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    Yes because the broadcaster has suddenly started to screw things up more than usual and the other thousands of other people that it affects do not frequent this forum.

    | Sun 2 Feb 2020 9:35:28 #10 |

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