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Recordings stopping after less than a minute

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    We've been having the same problem for over a week with about a dozen recording failures, it seems to affect any channel. BBC, ITV, 5USA...
    As I needed to do a retune anyway I decided to did factory reset I doubt this will help but glad its not my box failing.

    | Wed 12 Feb 2020 14:34:00 #11 |
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    We've experienced several failed recordings of various lengths (not just after a minute). [FVP - 5000T]. Once recorded a feature film and the last 10 minutes failed?

    | Fri 14 Feb 2020 22:06:26 #12 |
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    As the person who started this topic, I thought I would report on progress. After over 2 weeks in which I experienced about a dozen recordings across a variety of channels which started and then stopped after less than a minute (without an error message) although many other recordings (some going on at the same time) were working just fine, I finally gave in a week ago and did a full factory reset. It appeared to be doing the trick, but I hesitated to tempt fate by reporting this, as I had had other periods of several days when everything worked fine. Good job I didn't, because last night I was trying to record Homeland on C4 SD and, once again, it stopped after less than a minute. Other things were recording ok at the same time, so it wasn't a general box failure. Did anyone manage to record the C4 SD version of Homeland successfully?

    | Mon 17 Feb 2020 7:35:39 #13 |
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    In January I started having trouble with one minute recordings on my 4000T, Norfolk transmitter. I too got only a few minutes of Vera, but it recorded in full on a newer humax in the house. This month I started using a 5000T instead. In the last 7 days I have had lots of 1 minute recordings on a variety of freeview channels. On one occasion I realised and pressed the record button. The other 5000T is used less often and has had only 2 fails, one a 1 minute record, another stopping 10 minutes early. Both machines have also recorded programmes in full. However the uncertainty is a real pain. Any ideas what is to blame or how to fix?

    | Wed 19 Feb 2020 18:33:59 #14 |
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    I hadn't had any 1 minute recordings on this box (5000t which I've had since September 2018) before but I had one last night. It was ITV1HD - Harry Redknapp's Sandbanks Summer 8pm. No error message, just recorded some adverts before the actual programme started and then cut off. Hopefully this won't become a regular occurrence.

    | Thu 20 Feb 2020 8:55:32 #15 |
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    I've been having this problem on my 5000T since 31/01 along with another issue documented in another post

    My issue is mainly on Channel 5 SD, I get at least 2 failures each day, thankfully I've only had the issue a few times on other channels (BBC2 x1, ITV x2). My father who lives in another part of the UK has exactly the same issue, we've even set-up the same programs & got the same failures.

    I logged a case with Humax support, they advised a Factory Reset so lost all my series links & login details for iPlayer etc. Needless to say the problem persists. I have a 5 year old Sony PVR & although that does not have this issue so unless Humax uses a different time sync to start the program record I'm assuming it's a Humax only issue. Going to do some more testing on both boxes tonight to see if I can find out anything more.

    | Fri 21 Feb 2020 12:38:40 #16 |
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    Having given this some thought - reading these posts - I wonder whether the issue is something to do with the internet connection of those boxes which fail to record properly. I have used an FVP5000T for over a year now and never had the type of failures described here. Two or three recordings scheduled daily - most on series link.
    It would be useful to know if those who have recording problems can confirm that their boxes are connected reliably to the internet at all times. Not only connected to the internet but working properly (backward EPG is a good test) - see if the backward EPG populates and that you can watch on demand from there.
    My difficulty is that I don't know how the recording mechanism that follows the broadcaster schedule actually works (as opposed to using strict time with padding) - so this is a hypothesis at the moment.

    | Sat 22 Feb 2020 8:30:49 #17 |
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    Many thanks for thinking about this issue. I have had my 4000t for well over 4 years and I had not experienced this problem at all until late January, which seems to be about the time that other people report first experiencing it. And even now, most of my recordings work perfectly, and there seems to be no pattern to those that fail. My internet connection is fine and works reliably. I had thought that the CRIDS were broadcast over the air- hence the reason that you can use the box without an internet connection - but I certainly don't know enough to rule out some weird interference with the recording mechanism from the internet connection. But I am gaining the impression that something must have changed recently to cause this.

    | Sat 22 Feb 2020 8:55:13 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GrahamRHK - 6 hours ago  » 
    My difficulty is that I don't know how the recording mechanism that follows the broadcaster schedule actually works (as opposed to using strict time with padding) - so this is a hypothesis at the moment.

    The other Humax Freeview boxes all use the meta data in the broadcast stream to control start and stop when accurate recording is active (I think it looks for change of state in the running status). Why would the FVP boxes be different?

    | Sat 22 Feb 2020 15:09:40 #19 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Not experienced any problems with recording set at auto with any recordings using a FVP-5000T.

    From any of the following channels.

    BBC1-HD, BBC2-HD, ITV-HD, Channel -4 HD and Channel 5 -HD.

    The few other HD channels from the two temporary MUX COM 7 and COM 8, my transmitter does not have.

    Suspect your auto tune is picking up more than one transmitter. Post the post code of a public building close to your location.

    Can you set test recordings from the above list and report what happens.

    Also check the highest channel number you have in your epg and post what it is and the channel it says it is.

    | Sat 22 Feb 2020 21:46:05 #20 |

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