My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

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    EEPhil - 4 mins ago  » 
    If you check Crystal Palace on the detailed coverage checker the UHF frequencies/channels do not match all of those in Graham's post. You correctly identify a display problem on 4000T/5000T as "28-" is shown as just "-".
    The UHF channel numbers from for Crystal Palace are:
    BBCA (PSB1) 23
    D3&4 (PSB2) 26
    BBCB (PSB3) 30-
    SDN (COM4) 25
    ARQA (COM5) 22
    ARQB (COM6) 28-
    NUK7 (COM7) 55
    NUK8 (COM8) 56
    Local 35

    Thank you EEPhil. That explains why I can pick up nothing on the channel 48 for PSB3 Graham suggested. So it looks as if I have a standard Crystal Palace set-up.

    | Wed 26 Feb 2020 17:54:53 #41 |
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    Goodness knows where UKFree got 48 from. CP has never used that channel, even in the analogue days. PSB3 has been 30 ever since DSO.

    | Wed 26 Feb 2020 18:43:04 #42 |

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