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Remote Control

(39 posts)
  1. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 15


    In general I love this PVR. However one thing really frustrates me and it's the remote control. It's so sluggish. Sometimes it works no problem. Other times I have to hold the buttons down for a long time till it seems to register. The batteries are fine.

    Does this happen with anyone else?

    | Fri 10 Mar 2017 1:00:01 #1 |
  2. Gobbl


    Joined: May '16
    Posts: 20


    If it's the remote with the Netflix button then they are fine for a couple of months then they stop responding when you press the buttons and it will get progressively worse. My 4000t came with the original remote that had no Netflix button and that remote is still working well, but I purchased one of the new ones from Humax when they released them and I am now on my 3rd even though they say they have not seen anyone else with problems. They all worked well when new, but then you notice that even with new battries the light does not illuminate every time you press the ok or navigation buttons (the ones used the most). I'm just about to contact them again as the latest one is not working and we find ourselves fighting for the original one as that still works fine. It's about time they admit they have a problem or at least ask for the faulty ones back when they supply a new one so they can determine the root cause and fix it.

    | Fri 10 Mar 2017 4:48:24 #2 |
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    Thanks. Is this something that everyone experiences or do we think it's just a percentage of them? Yes it is the Netflix model. Some days it works fine, others can be so frustrating.

    The light on the power button of the remote seems to light up every time but the box just doesn't always respond.

    | Fri 10 Mar 2017 9:07:21 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    At a recent meeting I had at Humax Towers I raised and demonstrated the L08 remote problem....they are aware, have made changes, stock is due in UK shortly.....more when I have it.

    | Fri 10 Mar 2017 9:20:56 #4 |
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    Thanks Barry. I will keep my eyes peeled.

    | Fri 10 Mar 2017 9:26:31 #5 |
  6. Gobbl


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    Barry - 14 hours ago  » 
    At a recent meeting I had at Humax Towers I raised and demonstrated the L08 remote problem....they are aware, have made changes, stock is due in UK shortly.....more when I have it.

    That's great news that they recognise they have a problem, thanks for the info and your time educating them. Shame it's taken 10 months for them to identify it's an issue. I look forward to a meaningful conversation when I call them.

    | Sat 11 Mar 2017 0:22:36 #6 |
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    I have used the remote from a 2000T and it works so much better

    | Sun 19 Mar 2017 6:41:30 #7 |
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    Well Humax are going to send me a new remote. Hopefully they will test it before they send it out, as there seem to be a fair few remotes that aren't very responsive.

    But I will also try my 1800T remote to see if that works better. Thanks for the idea.

    | Sun 19 Mar 2017 7:36:06 #8 |
  9. Stephenesque


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    I'm using a Universal Remote and the box is no quicker to respond than it was with the original remote, which suggests to me that reason for the slow response lies within the 4000T itself.

    | Sun 19 Mar 2017 10:31:17 #9 |
  10. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Jan '14
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    The box itself is undeniably slow. But often when I press a button on the remote, the light on the power button doesn't come on, showing that the button press hasn't been recognised at all.

    | Sun 19 Mar 2017 10:47:12 #10 |

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