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Remote Control

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    I had the same problem - have 3 Humax boxes, 2 of which I have had no problems with the remotes. The 3rd is an Fvp-4000t and I have had problems with the home buttons from the get go.

    I finally contacted Humax to ask where I could source another remote and this is the response I got -

    Thank you for contacting Humax.

    You can change the frequency of the remote control to make the units work independently. Please note that Youview models cannot have their frequency changed.

    To do this,
    Turn off any other Humax at the mains
    On your remote, press and hold "0" and "OK" for roughly 8 -10 seconds
    You will get a message on screen asking to press a number between 1 - 6
    Press a number such as 3. The message will say remote now set to number 3 and disappear.
    This will prevent your Humax units from conflicting. If the message says ''remote code change failed'' please retry the above instructions.

    Best Regards

    I tried this last night - and what a change. The buttons that before would not respond or would only respond if I repeatedly pressed them, worked on the first press. I am still slightly skeptical that it was such an easy fix, but have never had any point at which the remote did not cause problems. Last night was the first time everything worked well and responded at the first light press of the buttons.

    Will keep you updated once I have had the next few days with it.

    | Wed 11 Jul 2018 20:16:01 #31 |
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    Just tried this on my 4000t, changed to 3 and what a difference, no more pressing button three or four times before getting a response, it actually works like a proper grown up remote, why are we only hearing about this now?

    | Thu 12 Jul 2018 10:52:43 #32 |
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    thegenegenie - 6 hours ago  » 
    Just tried this on my 4000t, changed to 3 and what a difference, no more pressing button three or four times before getting a response, it actually works like a proper grown up remote, why are we only hearing about this now?

    Works for me too.

    | Thu 12 Jul 2018 17:10:10 #33 |
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    Is this supposed to improve the 5000T remotes performance too?

    | Thu 12 Jul 2018 19:56:27 #34 |
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    Didn't make a blind bit of difference to mine (4000).

    | Fri 13 Jul 2018 6:55:40 #35 |
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    I haven't opened my Humax remote control but I repaired my (obsolete and no longer available) burglar alarm keypad when the keys became intermittent.

    In the alarm keypad the plastic keys are meant to be conducting and they short circuit some contacts on the PCB. They were no longer conducting properly and it required a lot of force to get them to work.

    I bought some sticky backed aluminium foil from eBay for a trivial sum - I got enough to do thousands of controls. I cut small circles using a hole punch (but cutting with scissors would have worked fine). After opening the keypad I stuck the aluminium foil onto the keys.

    Bingo! I transformed the keypad.

    That was three or four years ago and it is still working perfectly.

    | Tue 4 Dec 2018 18:07:14 #36 |
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    I've just messaged humax again. Both my L08's are bu@@ered. 1/ some buttons have fallen out. 2/ some buttons don't work.

    I have always put my remotes (phones, anything with buttons) button side down to stop ingress of garbage.

    1/ now I have it open, I can see that it was repaired previously !?

    Humax have ALWAYS been aware of the problems with these remotes.

    They now want £27 plus vat each.

    Even my new box was replaced by a used - very- one from day one.


    | Thu 23 Jul 2020 11:33:25 #37 |
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    furkin - 19 mins ago  » 
    Both my L08's are bu@@ered. 1/ some buttons have fallen out. 2/ some buttons don't work.F

    My RM-LO8 is 5 years old and, now I have cleaned it, it is as good as new.

    No buttons show any sign of "falling out" so yours is either faulty or has been heavily used (or abused?).

    Buttons not working means it needs cleaning. It's a routine service like cleaning the windscreen on your car - it's not the manufacturer's fault - it's usage dependent wear and tear.

    | Thu 23 Jul 2020 11:55:50 #38 |
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    I took the bull by the horns, and took one apart. It's the one with drop out buttons. Before I started I could feel bumps and lumps on the edge, but when I got it open, I'm damned annoyed to see that it has already been meddled with / repaired !
    I live alone,,,,, no kids or dogs to blame. I have tons of old stuff that still look pristine, cos I like to look after things.
    It really hasn't been rough handled,,,, and certainly no one has taken it apart.
    It looks like the rubber has perished/given up ! But Humax supplied this, already previously broken.
    I've tried to put a bit of 'so called superglue' on the edges of the buttons, but I don't expect it to hold.

    I'll have a bash (sorry - handle gently) with the other one tomorrow.

    I'me used to stripping keyboards etc down to clean, so I guess this is a bit smaller.

    more when I get it

    Thanks for your help John.

    | Thu 23 Jul 2020 13:38:45 #39 |

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