My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T


Remote control has stopped working - unit failing to respond.

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    My remote has suddenly stopped working. If I turn the box off and on again the remote works for a couple of minutes and then dies again. Help!!!

    Mod Edit: For fix see Link to Barry's post #129 with links to OTA Schedule & humax support instructions (link)

    link to my post #165 with links to humax facebook page and twitter stream.

    Guide to updating via PC:

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 11:51:06 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    I suspect it is not your remote that has stopped working.

    Was informed an hour ago of a possible problem, and have been working on it.

    So far have this to report - boxes appear to lock up if using software version 1.00.19 or earlier, now trying to establish which mux/channel is causing it.

    Watch this space.


    OK not going to be able to tie it down to a channel or mux as it happens on a few.

    For the OP

    What model of PVR and what version of software does your unit have on board...if it locks to quickly for you to check, then disconnect aerial, and try.

    The bottom line for anyone with the problem is to update software to latest versions. 9300 latest is on air now.

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 15:23:56 #2 |
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    Hi Barry
    We are a service centre in north wales and we seem to have the same problem,i first of all took a call about an hour ago about a remote not working on a 9150 and as i was writing this a lady brought her remote in for a 9150 and said its not working,further to that our salesman has just walked in and said he has booked 3 other jobs for 9150s,my question is,is it an over the air download that is required,and how do you do it ,or will they have to come into the workshop and be connected up to a computer.

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 16:47:17 #3 |
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    i too am getting the same problem with the remote but the buttons on the pvr unit are also not working. just like whety if iswitch off and back on it's ok for a few seconds then just sticks on that cannel. trust it to go haywire just as we are almost at xmas.

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:03:30 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum David

    9150 OTA is being repeated from 10am Friday 16th

    If your customers cannot wait until upload via serial port would have to be carried out.

    I am surprised by the number affected, there are either lots who leave their boxes on 24/7, or who have had a problem with the OTA but have done nothng about it.

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:03:31 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    bdsnconnolly - 40 seconds ago  » 
    i too am getting the same problem with the remote but the buttons on the pvr unit are also not working. just like whety if iswitch off and back on it's ok for a few seconds then just sticks on that cannel. trust it to go haywire just as we are almost at xmas.

    Do you have an old version of software on board?

    What model of PVR?

    and Welcome to our Forum

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:04:51 #6 |
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    hi barry, itis an pvr-9150T it was sound this morning but faulty when i switched on this afternoon.i don't have a clue regarding the software

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:09:47 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    bdsnconnolly - 1 minute ago  » 
    hibarry, itis an pvr-9150T it was sound this morning but faulty when i switched on this afternoon

    Do you know the software version?

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:12:08 #8 |
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    Hi again Barry
    Thanks for your quick reply,i have just been told by another engineer the download is happening from 10 AM tommorrow,is this correct?, i presume all that has to be done is to put the box into stby and wait a while.

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:22:38 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    Update for you all. Humax have booked numerous repeats of the OTA for the models affected see:

    | Wed 14 Dec 2011 17:23:43 #10 |

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