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Remote control has stopped working - unit failing to respond.

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    My 9200T has three faults:
    A) occasional total 'hang', where it won't respond to anything; recoverable only via power down.
    B) unit intermittently fails to respond to remote: if I wait a bit it can cope with another instruction or two, then I have to wait some more before it's ready again.
    C) failure to wake up from standby to record programme
    Machine is permanently switched on (not on standby) because of fault C.
    H/W version PVR9200T Rev 1.0
    S/W version PGXTF 1.00.23
    Loader a4.08
    System Id 3020.0000
    Update date 20 May 2010

    | Sun 11 Nov 2012 17:09:19 #341 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    wesley - 24 minutes ago  » 
    My 9200T has three faults:
    A) occasional total 'hang', where it won't respond to anything; recoverable only via power down.

    This is the most worrying symptom. Typically what is happening when it hangs? How frequently does this occur?

    B) unit intermittently fails to respond to remote: if I wait a bit it can cope with another instruction or two, then I have to wait some more before it's ready again.

    This could be linked to the problem that is being reported with the guide for the next three days being fully populated but for days four to seven having gaps that change with time. Do you see this behaviour? If so you might consider manually tuning using the biggles manual tuning instructions see but instead of tuning all available multiplexes for a transmitter omit one multiplex. This will of course mean some channels are not available but may well help with your response problem.

    C) failure to wake up from standby to record programme
    Machine is permanently switched on (not on standby) because of fault C.

    Does the machine display the time on the front panel when in standby or is it --:--? If the latter then you need the Biggles clock board cleaning instructions; see

    | Sun 11 Nov 2012 17:42:02 #342 |
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    A) It tends to hang when given conflicting instructions close together, as if it's confused, and so gives up. This is less frequent than it was. Say once a week.
    B) This is the most irritating of the problems, because it is usually present: when zooming through the ads, it's likely to carry on zooming when asked to play, then take time and patience to get back to approximately the right place. I don't think there are guide issues; we've not noticed them. Of course, it takes ages to tramp through the guide.
    On Channel Search, we haven't noticed duplicate entries, so I guess we're only accessing one transmitter.
    C) We've often seen --:-- when in standby; it won't boot from this so we have to power down to see if it'll boot correctly. Sounds like we need Biggles for this.

    | Mon 12 Nov 2012 19:17:55 #343 |
  4. Biggles


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    It should boot ok manually even if the clock has failed and the STANDBY display shows --:--. Are you confusing --:-- (with colon on the right of the display) with ---- (no colon on the left of the display)?

    | Mon 12 Nov 2012 19:28:20 #344 |
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    Yes, you're right; I am confusing them. We've seen ---- and it requires powerdown. I don't fancy dismantling it.
    B) I'll take a look at the channel list when I can get access to the machine, and see if we have 800's.

    | Mon 12 Nov 2012 19:56:33 #345 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    wesley - 1 hour ago  » 

    it takes ages to tramp through the guide.

    Really? Are you aware that the advert skip buttons go forward and backward by a day in the guide and fast forward/reverse in increments of 2 hours?

    | Mon 12 Nov 2012 20:47:18 #346 |
  7. Biggles


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    If you are seeing ---- on the left of the display then you do not have the clock problem, you do not need to dismantle the 9200. The clock problem is indicated by --:-- in STANDBY on the right of the display replacing the clock digits.

    | Mon 12 Nov 2012 20:50:19 #347 |
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    Thanks, I didn't know there were other ways to navigate the guide.
    However, problem B has got much worse. Now it only accepts a couple of clicks and then there's a long wait, can be several minutes, before it'll obey another. Considering scrapping it. Can you recommend a replacement machine? When it was working properly we were pleased with it; usability was superior to other machines we've seen.

    | Fri 16 Nov 2012 21:54:57 #348 |
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    Before recommending a replacement machine you do need to let other MyHumax members understand what is causing your current issues.

    What was the result of you 800 investigation which you were going to do?

    wesley - 4 days ago  » 
    I'll take a look at the channel list when I can get access to the machine, and see if we have 800's.

    | Sat 17 Nov 2012 13:39:34 #349 |
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    New to this so hope someone can help.

    My 9150T remote has stopped working, my software is up to date to the latest version (1.00.26) and power cycling is not doing anything.

    I have brought a RM Series remote as a replacement but this isn't responding either.

    I can acess certain menu features by the front panel and was hoping to reset from here but i can't enter the 0000 code!

    Any ideas or is my good old faithful PVR kaput?



    | Mon 25 Feb 2013 16:09:06 #350 |

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