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Remote control seems sluggish - especially soon af

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    My 4000T seems to ignore my remote control quite a lot. It is particularly noticeable when I bring the box out of standby when response the the remote control seems sluggish.

    Replacing the batteries as suggested makes no difference.

    It seems to be much better after a little while.

    I am putting it down to CPU overload when bring the box out of standby when lots of things presumably have to be done.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 12:24:44 #1 |
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    Are you sure it is not a failing remote? Mine did that (I have now replaced it) and the clue was that the red light around the power button didn't always come on when pressing it. This was an RM-L08 remote with a 5000T.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 13:35:58 #2 |
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    Thanks. Mine is an RM-L03 but the red light always comes on OK.

    At one point I thought it was better holding the remote control button-face-upright-so-facing-sideways instead of button-face-horizontal-facing-upwards because after failing the first time, I rotated the control and it invariably worked the next time! Subsequent tests showed it also failed sideways if it was the first attempt.

    It isn't sensitivity - when it's working it doesn't matter where I point the remote control and it works fine.

    I'm pretty sure it has become worse - it used to be fine.

    I wonder if the transmitted signal has become more complex requiring more CPU to decode it, leaving less CPU to drive the user interface.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 13:45:10 #3 |
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    OK. With mine, the red light came on reliably for every button except the power button.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 14:08:28 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JohnH77 - 1 hour ago  » 

    I wonder if the transmitted signal has become more complex requiring more CPU to decode it, leaving less CPU to drive the user interface.

    I think that is very unlikely.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 14:49:28 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    The cached epg is cleared overnight presumably as part of the housekeeping activities. As a result on the first boot of the day the epg has to be re-populated. Additionally if you have lots of recordings pressing recordings as soon as live video is shown, say's there are none. Leaving the box for a few mins restores the list.

    Try a daily power on/off timer at say 08:00 with a 15 mins gap to rebuild the epg ready for the next boot.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 18:43:31 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 1 min ago  » 
    The cached epg is cleared overnight presumably as part of the housekeeping activities. As a result on the first boot of the day the epg has to be re-populated. Additionally if you have lots of recordings pressing recordings as soon as live video is shown, say's there are none. Leaving the box for a few mins restores the list.

    Try a daily power on/off timer at say 08:00 with a 15 mins gap to rebuild the epg ready for the next boot.

    Like Martin I don't think that can be the situation. In fact for the same channel the data is essentially the same on Freesat with some minor changes.

    On HD channels Freesat audio is Dolby Digital. Video is 1080i Freeview-HD uses AAC audio transcoded by the box on the digital audio outputs to Dolby Digital.

    Video can be either 1080p25 or 1080i50. The Freeview-HD spec allows mixed GOP's (Group of pictures) within the same programme.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 18:52:06 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 
    The cached epg is cleared overnight presumably as part of the housekeeping activities. As a result on the first boot of the day the epg has to be re-populated. Additionally if you have lots of recordings pressing recordings as soon as live video is shown, say's there are none. Leaving the box for a few mins restores the list.
    Try a daily power on/off timer at say 08:00 with a 15 mins gap to rebuild the epg ready for the next boot.

    Could it be that your delays are simply you have more recordings and therefore it takes longer to populate the recordings list ?

    How many recordings does your box report ?

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 20:55:27 #8 |
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    It is particularly noticeable when I bring the box out of standby when response the the remote control seems sluggish.

    This I have noticed too and I think it relates to server settings. Please can you tell us whether you have any of the server functions on i.e. media server, FTP server, SAMBA server. And whether you have remote recording on? I have observed (and reported to HUMAX) that if server functions are off the FVP goes into a 'deep sleep' state with network disconnected when in standby. In that state, when using the remote to bring the box out of standby, nothing is seen on screen for about 25 seconds and one has to wait another 30 seconds before the FVP reports 'network connected'. Even then the FVP will not access Freeview Play functions for a further minute or so.
    With one of servers on (in my case the media server), the network stays connected at all times, and the FVP comes out of standby within a few seconds (the time it takes for my TV to respond to the HDMI input.

    | Tue 16 Jul 2019 13:21:03 #9 |
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    Please can you tell us whether you have any of the server functions on i.e. media server, FTP server, SAMBA server. And whether you have remote recording on?

    I do not have any server functions and I do not have remote recording. It is a vanilla box used just for watching TV, recordings and players. I do notice it says the network is not connected / the network takes quite a while to report it is ready after coming out of sleep.

    I'll try enabling one.

    Another probable symptom of "overload when coming out of sleep" is the quite long delay before the recordings are available to watch. I assume the file system is being built.

    | Tue 16 Jul 2019 13:53:18 #10 |

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