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Retune deletes scheduled recordings....

(36 posts)
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    Over on Brian has posted that on a couple of occasions a retune has retained the schedule.

    Is it possible that a retune of a single mux retains the schedule for recording on that mux but an auto-tune dosen't?

    | Sun 22 May 2016 11:20:34 #31 |
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    On a related subject I always seem to have to to do a retune twice as I seem to get the wrong region Wales despite selecting North West England. My years old Panasonic PVR/Blu Ray recorder lets you change the region without a retune unlike the Humax.

    As a software developer myself i can say that it is extremely unprofessional and bad practice (unheard of even!) to reset a user's configuration after an update or in this case a simple channel update/re-tune.

    Imagine Google removing all your bookmarks, maps, email settings etc after an update!

    | Sun 22 May 2016 15:30:27 #32 |
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    NOPE! Still the same after the recent software update. Still deletes your schedule and favourite channels. Wish i'd bought the Panasonic HWT150 now when i had the chance, as this doesn't have this issue.

    | Sun 22 May 2016 19:10:19 #33 |
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    kevmull - 2 hours ago  » 
    NOPE! Still the same after the recent software update. Still deletes your schedule and favourite channels. Wish i'd bought the Panasonic HWT150 now when i had the chance, as this doesn't have this issue.

    It does unless you make the right selection or does on our HWT120 so you need to be careful i.e. update channel list not a retune. This has been standard on the Panasonic's for about the last decade, why Humax can't do this has always puzzled me. What you need to do with the Humax is take a picture of the schedule with your phone or tablet - saves time and grief.

    | Sun 22 May 2016 21:52:59 #34 |
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    What's the difference between a 're-tune' and a 'channel update'?
    There only seems to be 'auto and manual channel searches' options on the Humax

    | Sun 22 May 2016 22:23:33 #35 |
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    kevmull - 17 hours ago  » 
    What's the difference between a 're-tune' and a 'channel update'?
    There only seems to be 'auto and manual channel searches' options on the Humax

    I was talking about the Panasonic.

    | Mon 23 May 2016 15:52:35 #36 |

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