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SD vs HD confusion

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    Hi, new to this (and not very technical, sorry) having just given Sky the boot and bought an 1100s.

    If I watch BBC1 HD I can watch most programmes in HD but not all, eg the main news is HD but I have to switch to the SD channel to watch the regional news (Maidstone Kent postcode)

    Why is this? I assume it is something to do with the local transmitter, is there a website that will explain what is being broadcast and if it will change? It is quite a nuisance since apart from anything else the volume shift is very large and the Humax remote, which seems to have a very limited volume range, cannot cope with it. If it's all coming via satellite I don't understand why the BBC can't have it all in HD

    | Wed 30 Dec 2015 20:31:17 #1 |
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    There are no regional BBC HD variants as yet. I agree it really is a pain to be forced to change channels. Better to have broadcast the national news in HD to everyone, and allow viewers to switch to regional SD broadcasts if they so wished. Instead we have to suffer that extremely annoying rotating red thing with the terrible sound track. I'd rather watch one of the old black and white "interlude" broadcasts. Anyone remember the spinning optical illusion, potter's wheel, or London to Brighton in two minutes ?

    | Wed 30 Dec 2015 20:52:41 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    The solution to the volume difference can easily be fixed. Assuming you are using a TV for the audio. In the settings menu. Picture and Sound - Digital Audio Out - Stereo. If you have a AV receiver with a Dolby Digital encoder post again to explain how to balance HD and SD audio channel levels.

    The issue is down to whatever you use for the audio, and how it handles Dolby Digital from HD channels and PCM stereo from SD ones.

    | Wed 30 Dec 2015 23:41:12 #3 |
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    Thanks for the replies... I remember the potters wheel.. one about feeding squirrels too.

    Thanks Graham, yes changing the digital audio out from multichannel to stereo has fixed the volume issue, makes the whole HD vs SD issue much easier

    I have a couple more questions but will start new threads for them (or look for an existing relevant one).

    Overall I am very happy with the 1100s

    | Thu 31 Dec 2015 10:22:33 #4 |
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    raydon - 5 days ago  » 
    Anyone remember ... London to Brighton in two minutes ?

    I must be getting old because I remember it, though it was actually 4 minutes because trains went slower in those days If you feel nostalgic go to London to Brighton in 4 minutes BBC interlude. I think BBC showed it again quite recently/

    While you are there be sure to catch the similar vintage Hancock's Half Hour The Blood Donor Part 1 and Part 2. I was in hospital recently and the young nurse taking blood said lots of old fogies like me mentioned it, but she had never seen it. I showed it to her on my tablet.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 12:33:38 #5 |
  6. Biggles


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    JohnH77 - 10 minutes ago  » 

    raydon - 5 days ago  » 
    Anyone remember ... London to Brighton in two minutes ?

    I must be getting old because I remember it, though it was actually 4 minutes because trains went slower in those days If you feel nostalgic go to London to Brighton in 4 minutes BBC interlude. I think BBC showed it again quite recently/
    While you are there be sure to catch the similar vintage Hancock's Half Hour The Blood Donor Part 1 and Part 2. I was in hospital recently and the young nurse taking blood said lots of old fogies like me mentioned it, but she had never seen it. I showed it to her on my tablet.

    I used to love watching that as a kid, ah, still do. In fact I have a cottage booked alongside the North Yorks Railway line in March to see the Flying Scotsman, choo choo. Sorry.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 12:46:09 #6 |
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    I am pleased to have unlocked happy memories here... I played truant from school many years ago in order to stand on Huntingdon station platform and watch Pegler's Flying Scotsman go through the station at 100+mph. An unforgettable event... unbelievable noise, smell, sight, smoke..

    Coming back to the thread title slightly, I am very surprised that the BBC of all broadcasters is unable to operate in full HD mode. It seems like a real shortcoming to me.. what happens with ITV regional news I wonder (and yes, I will go and check for myself!).


    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 15:23:11 #7 |
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    OK you railway buffs - I think I am going to get you both jealous.

    I am not a railway buff myself, but as a kid I lived in what is now Zimbabwe. My father worked for the railways and as a child, I used to go with him to a small station from where I had many a ride on the footplate of a massive Beyer-Garatt locomotive. I have done the trip from Cape Town to Salisbury on several occasions, including double heading Beyer-Garratts climbing through the Hex River valley. Salisbury is nearly one mile higher than Cape Town. And, yes, they did puff in synchronism!

    When I was in hospital the next patient casually mentioned he owned a locomotive - all 132 tons of a diesel which he and his group had refurbished.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 15:32:39 #8 |
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    JerryW - 10 minutes ago  » 
    Coming back to the thread title slightly, I am very surprised that the BBC of all broadcasters is unable to operate in full HD mode. It seems like a real shortcoming to me.. what happens with ITV regional news I wonder (and yes, I will go and check for myself!).

    It costs money to broadcast regional variations. The BBC is being squeezed.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 15:35:11 #9 |
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    The BBC is being squeezed.

    Rant: D*mn government. When will it realise that some? most? of us would prefer to pay a tiny bit more tax to ensure that we get decent services.
    Rant over.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 15:37:30 #10 |

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