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Sensible suggestions for improving EPG, os etc

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    Would be useful to be able to sort recordings manually into folders, eg FILMS SERIES OTHER . Renaming progs would also be useful.

    The MOVE/COPY to usb system does not really work, it takes forever and is unreliable, I have lost recordings.

    Recording a split film automatically records the second part, but the program list shows both parts seperately, why not group them as series are.

    EPG needs to show a description for highlighted prog without switching to another screen

    To be deleted would be useful to use as a bin, but there is no way of copying watched progs to it.

    | Sun 20 May 2018 10:56:57 #1 |
  2. athomson


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    I have always thought that split recordings could be merged into one file, part 1 then part 2 tacked on the end. Failing that a series of part 1 and part 2 would be an improvement.


    | Sun 20 May 2018 15:36:02 #2 |
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    Before they do any changes, it would be a good idea to sort out some of the existing irritations first, like the disappearance of the icons for iPlayer etc.

    | Sun 20 May 2018 18:10:51 #3 |
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    The sorting out of the appearance and disappearance of the channel icons on the guide, would be nice. That really annoys me. Making sure ALL the iptv channels work correctly... The USB transfer problem. The QVC Interactive problem. (Not that I watch it, but that doesn't work correctly). And I'm sure there are plenty more..

    Come on Humax, you've had at least two years to iron out these problems, for a box that cost most of us at least £200. These problems should have been spotted and corrected before the box was even released.

    | Mon 21 May 2018 12:10:28 #4 |
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    Giving feedback sounds like a good idea.

    Accessing a series of records default to the oldest
    Changing channel not having to press enter after
    Media recordings in a list or grid as it is in recordings
    having to press ok twice on any channel change from on simple guide
    Deleting a recording need to press ok twice,
    Able to set series link on a program currently recording
    Quicker access to change the date on the TV guide
    More customisable recommendation

    | Tue 22 May 2018 7:26:42 #5 |
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    Another thing I find irritating is having to press SUB more than once to turn subtitles on or off, an action I need to do quite regularly.

    | Tue 22 May 2018 7:48:46 #6 |
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    A1944 - 9 hours ago  » 
    Another thing I find irritating is having to press SUB more than once to turn subtitles on or off, an action I need to do quite regularly.

    You really have to hand it to Humax's genius programmers. Instead of simply turning on the TV subtitles when you press the "SUB" button, the first press causes the utterly pointless message: "Subtitle: Off" to appear, as if you'd be stupid enough to try to turn on the subtitles if they weren't off to begin with.

    Then, when you want to turn the subtitles off, the first press of the button merely evokes an equally stupid message that announces: "Subtitle: English", as though you aren't able to see that for yourself, or that even if you weren't for some obscure reason, the information could be of any possible use since you're about to turn them off anyway.

    You have to wonder.

    | Tue 22 May 2018 17:38:19 #7 |
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    All of these suggestions are valid. Some are obviously serious, some appear to be trivial.

    However attention to detail makes the difference between a mediocre product to be swapped for another sometime, to a product that is easy to use and replaced with one from the same manufacturer.

    It is entirely up to Humax which it wants to be.

    ... and when a series comes to an end ... when does it get deleted from the schedule list ? I came across 6 of them at the end of the list that all said "getting information" instead of the next transmission date.

    ... and Humax seem to have taken lots of time and trouble over the Samba server and file sharing with other computers/devices that they forgot the basics ... copy to usb drive and file handling on the Humax box itself for instance , really useful if you run out of space. I have no idea why I would want to access my TV recorder from my PC. I did try it but found that WMP would not play the files anyway. I do not know whether to send the box back or not ... after performing dubious copy/move operations the format gets destroyed on the removable drive and I have to reformat it on my PC.
    Do I send it back or not ?

    ... and Catchup is not worth using, anything I want to watch is not included. They proudly say after some progs "or watch this on Catchup" . So you wait till the series is over ... look on Catchup ... and of the 12 episodes ... only the last 4 are there.

    So Humax ... get the basic box right ... forget tbe bells and whistles 95% of us do not use ...

    | Fri 25 May 2018 10:21:02 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Oporus - 5 minutes ago  » 
    ... and when a series comes to an end ... when does it get deleted from the schedule list ? I came across 6 of them at the end of the list that all said "getting information" instead of the next transmission date.

    The problem is that the Feeview specification doesn't allow a broadcaster to send an end of series flag. Some times series take breaks for a few weeks and so the box does the best it can and deletes series recording when the series ID becomes invalid which will be 13 weeks after the last episode.

    I have no idea why I would want to access my TV recorder from my PC. I did try it but found that WMP would not play the files anyway.

    I don't either (most of the time) but a fair number of people do. I would guess the WMP issue is a missing CODEC that you could install or try the VLC player.

    I do not know whether to send the box back or not

    My advice is that if you are not happy then send it back particularly if you have reason to believe that there is something better out there.

    | Fri 25 May 2018 10:33:14 #9 |
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    Just bought a FVP5000T to replace failed HDR Fox T2. Managed to get old recordings off and onto FVP500T as media files but found that that on copy it orders the recordings by copy date, not the original recording date. Hence my files are all over the place. Copy and move should keep the original dates!

    | Fri 25 May 2018 10:42:16 #10 |

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