My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HD FOX T2

Set not responding - stuck

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    widlof - 2 hours ago  » 
    I posted in the most relevant place I thought and if not, a friendly pointer in the right direction might have been useful)

    This site is divided into a number of sections depending on the platform (e.g. freesat e.g. Freeview) and hardware (e.g. FOXSAT HDR e.g. HD-FOX T2).
    Have a look at the homepage
    Page down slightly and see the various sections listed under ‘Forums’
    Within in that there listed Freesat bulleted section for the HDR 1000/1010S.

    I suspect the reason that this method of dividing up this site was not pointed out was that pointing out that you had posted in the wrong place may have been thought to be adequate, rather than any intent to wind you up.

    widlof - 2 hours ago  » 
    Is there a more relevant thread I should have used? If so please point me there now.

    A thread within, but only if there is an existing match .
    Not proliferating multiple threads on the same topics is admirable, but so is recognising when a new topic is being raised and starting a new thread.
    I personally use Google site search to search within the various sub-forums of this site.

    widlof - 2 hours ago  » 
    Can someone explain what possible relevance the fact that it's an old thread has? surely it comes to the top again and might then get fixed.

    In this particular example there was a suggestion/question on the old thread, but your new question made no reference to it.

    widlof - 2 hours ago  » 
    My latest comment of complaint certainly wasn't relevant to the subject but somehow managed to elicit four responses in 24 hours. Kind of reinforces my point don't you think

    At the top of the home page is a ‘latest’ list. Each item states which hardware the thread is concerned with. When you posted your reply in the HD_FOX T2 section of this forum, this read ‘HD-FOX- T2’. Those not interested or not having experience of the HD-FOX T2 would not have read your new question. Those who did read your question would also have needed to have knowledge of the 1000S, and have something positive to say about your question.

    It is only when you added a comment other than the 1000S that you started to open the door to more people who felt they could reply.

    widlof - 2 hours ago  » 
    The only explanation is that there is no known fix so where does that leave me

    Barry in post #7 has suggested a possible fix.
    What is your situation with that?

    | Sun 1 Dec 2013 14:46:49 #11 |

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