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Software version 1.02.27 available to download

(34 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,075


    1. Just available to download at the moment.
    2. No news on an OTA as yet.
    3. You have no option with standard Humax software.

    | Sun 22 Apr 2012 15:12:48 #31 |
  2. rkm_hm

    Watt Tyler

    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 45


    Barry - 4 hours ago  » 
    1. Just available to download at the moment.
    2. No news on an OTA as yet.
    3. You have no option with standard Humax software.

    Thanks. Much as I thought. Am I right in thinking that it only does OTA updates when in Standby? If so, I could presumably prevent it by leaving it on all the time?

    | Sun 22 Apr 2012 20:02:04 #32 |
  3. ezra pound

    ezra pound

    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 173


    Watt Tyler : Am I right in thinking that it only does OTA updates when in Standby?

    I think that is correct, rather than leave the box on contiuously, you could have a timer On / Off beteen 4:30AM and 4:45AM, as this is when it looks for OTA, maybe 4:15AM and 4:45AM to be on the safe side

    | Mon 23 Apr 2012 15:21:52 #33 |
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    junior member
    Joined: Apr '12
    Posts: 5


    Hi im a newbie can anyone help.
    I have 2 usb sticks one is a 8gb kingston data traveler the other a non discript 2g. Both formated with Fat32. If i put the firmware 1.02.27 on the root of either and then try to uplaod onto HDR-Fox T2, this i have tried by switching on the hummy via the rear mains switch or the front pane,l all that happens is I get the Humax flash screen with ver a7.31 in the bottm left corner for ever (I have left it for approx an hour) and START SYSTEM on the FIPdisplay, the led on the 8Gb stick flahes constanltey, all i can do it pull out the usb stick and switched off at the rear to gain control over the hummy again. If i look at the usb stick on the HDR it does not show any sign of the file only an upper folder. I can use either USB stick to play mp3s and video files with no problem at all and i can view all types of file.
    I can confirm on my PC that the file on the memory stick is hdr_fox_t2_upgrade.hdf (cut and pasted file name from the usb stick) and it is 18,978 KB in size.
    S/V FHTCP1.02.20
    Loader a7.31
    Sys ID 8OBC.7EOO
    Update 10 june 2011
    Micon Ver 9.3

    I would apprecitate any help
    Thanks in advance

    | Mon 23 Apr 2012 18:36:17 #34 |

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