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Software version 1.02.27 available to download

(34 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Ah - If I remember correctly brian you have an ADB that uses 3 digit codes, ie has not been relabelled, perhaps that is the one working for you?

    Edit - found the post now:

    | Sat 14 Apr 2012 6:56:55 #21 |
  2. brian


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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    Ah - If I remember correctly brian you have an ADB that uses 3 digit codes, ie has not been relabelled, perhaps that is the one working for you?
    Edit - found the post now:

    Yes, that is correct. So are you saying that my 3 digit code ADB remote is really an MDB with the wrong label? Perhaps it will be more valuable because of this mistake.

    Presumably this mean that the 4 digit code ADB remote for my HD-FOX T2 will not produce the on-screen mode change graphics as previously mentioned.

    | Sat 14 Apr 2012 8:28:21 #22 |
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    Owen Smith

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    There has been a report on AV Forums and that the 1.02.27 software will do a spontaneous retune without any user interaction. posting:

    If this is true then it is a huge problem, because:

    a) a retune loses the recording schedule, so you will lose everything until the user notices and tries to remember what the schedule was.

    b) the HD/HDR Fox T2 makes a complete mess of auto tuning in a transmitter overlap area and has to be manually tuned to the 6 muxes to get the correct results.

    Barry, can you please check if this is either a bug or an intended feature. And whichever it is please try to persuade Humax to take it out! This is an insane feature given a) and b).

    (PS. if the non user interaction re-tune just re-scanned the specific UHF muxes already tuned in to get new channels, and if it didn't lose the recording schedule in the process, then it would make sense.)

    | Tue 17 Apr 2012 15:22:31 #23 |
  4. Trevor Wright

    Trevor Wright

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    Odd effect noticed with the .27 firmware.

    When coming out of standby on the previous .20 release, I could press the Guide (EPG) or Media (list of recordings) buttons right away and get a response. In .27, I've noticed I have to wait several seconds before a press gets any response.

    Am I imagining this or have others seen this effect?

    | Wed 18 Apr 2012 7:41:01 #24 |
  5. mickiow


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    Hi, I have the .27 firmware and have not noticed anything unsulal but will check and see.

    We had anouther re scan to do today and the new software made it really easy it went stright to it on bring the box to life.

    | Wed 18 Apr 2012 8:52:48 #25 |
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    Owen Smith

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    The previous software would have prompted you to retune as well on coming out of standby, that doesn't sound like anything different to me.

    If you mean it retuned automatically without any user interaction then that is a very bad thing since it loses the recording schedule. I need the opportunity to write the schedule down (or take some photos of it) before doing the retune so I can re-enter the schedule.

    Also clearly you are not in a transmitter overlap area, the automatic tuning makes a complete shambles of the job when it can see multiple transmitters.

    | Wed 18 Apr 2012 9:44:23 #26 |
  7. mickiow


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    Yes the .20 software did I think prompt a re scan, but this gave a page that a link the re scan could be started from. without going into the menue.

    No not in an overlap area auto worked fine on both my recorders.

    I too made a list of the shedule before starting.

    | Wed 18 Apr 2012 11:25:59 #27 |
  8. chrisdaniels


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    Barry, any info regarding reports that the .27 f/w rescans on its own despite "Later" being selected?

    Also is there any news on an update to resolve the IPTV channels yet? or is this an definite no and any interested users should buy another box?

    | Fri 20 Apr 2012 12:08:34 #28 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Presumably so that it is ready when the box is announced.

    | Fri 20 Apr 2012 12:11:20 #29 |
  10. rkm_hm

    Watt Tyler

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    Barry - 1 week ago  » 
    Humax HDR-FOX T2 Software Version 1.02.27 Release Notes
    •HDD Test option added to Data Storage menu
    •Improved Audio Description volume levels
    •Reliabilty improvement
    •Modified on screen messages regarding Network changes / re-tuning
    •Universal Remote feedback messages on screen
    When a mode button is pressed on the remote (PVR, TV, DVD, Audio) an image appears on screen. If a mode button is pressed in error when trying to control the Humax product user is informed on screen to press the PVR button.

    Presumably, at this stage, this is JUST a download and won't be applied over the air?
    When might we expect it to become an over-the-air update?
    When this happens, if I should wish NOT to receive the update, is there a menu option for this? I haven't so far been able to find one.

    | Sun 22 Apr 2012 14:42:06 #30 |

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