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Sound drops out for 3 seconds when watching HD recordings

(9 posts)
  1. Squire


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    Hello all - newbie here.

    I have an HDR 1000S. When I am watching HD recordings back, I find that the sound will go silent for about 3 seconds once or twice an hour.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    I've mailed the Humax helpdesk twice now, and no-one has replied at all. What's the best thing to do?


    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 7:59:19 #1 |


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    Insufficient detail to say much.
    Do you use any amp (which?) and if so does the problem occur if you do not?
    Does turning the setting for digital audio out to stereo cure the problem.
    Are the programmes this happends on those with D.D. 5.1 sound?
    Do this happen only happen on replay? "When I am watching HD recordings back"

    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 8:28:29 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    No audio drop out's for me. But audio is either from AV amplifier, Wireless Headphones or RF modulator (Kitchen TV).

    My guess is a problem with the the TV handling Dolby Digital audio (assuming the OP uses a TV for sound). As Repassac says try Settings Picture & Sound Digital Audio Out from Multi-channel to Stereo.

    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 9:33:04 #3 |
  4. Squire


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    Oh, ok - some more detail - (thanks for your patience!):

    I don't use an amp. I use the sound from the TV, and I've connected only with one HDMI cable.

    Yes, "watching back" means replaying the programme from "Recordings". I need to check to see if this happens with live TV also.

    How do I find out if a programme has D.D.5.1 sound?

    Thanks again... I'll try changing the setting this evening, and post back. Much appreciated...

    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 9:41:01 #4 |


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    Look for the "DOLBY" icon on the EPG.
    What TV btw? - I would check that you have the latest firmware for it.
    Also check the HDMI cable is well seated at both ends (a frequent cause of problems)

    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 10:13:47 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Squire - 38 minutes ago  » 
    Oh, ok - some more detail - (thanks for your patience!):
    I don't use an amp. I use the sound from the TV, and I've connected only with one HDMI cable.
    Yes, "watching back" means replaying the programme from "Recordings". I need to check to see if this happens with live TV also.
    How do I find out if a programme has D.D.5.1 sound?
    Thanks again... I'll try changing the setting this evening, and post back. Much appreciated...

    Record some of the BBC-HD daytime preview loop, it'a all in 5.1.

    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 10:20:31 #6 |
  7. Squire


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    The TV? It's an obscure old Teco 42", please don't laugh too much...

    I'd happily update the TV firmware, if I could find an update.

    | Wed 7 Nov 2012 10:53:49 #7 |
  8. Squire


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    Just an update on this issue.

    I have added an amp to the Humax box, and now when the sound drops out from the TV, the amp sound keeps going.

    This has led me to conclude that it is some issue between the Humax and the TV's HDMI cable / protocol.

    As an experiment, I changed the output resolution from 1080i to 1080p (the most my TV can cope with is 1080i). The sound dropped out many more times. Is this a bandwidth issue with my TV? Maybe. I don't know enough about HDMI.

    So, what I have done is set the HDMI output to 720p. This has reduced the number of times sound drops out, and I've left the amp plugged in.

    I may just turn the TV sound to zero, and leave it all through the amp.

    I'm not sure, but I even think 720p seems better than 1080i - but that's another issue...

    Thanks for your input here.

    | Tue 20 Nov 2012 9:05:57 #8 |
  9. gomezz


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    Squire - 52 minutes ago  » I may just turn the TV sound to zero, and leave it all through the amp

    As well as circumventing your problem your ears will thank you for the better sound quality if you do that. I hardly ever use the TV sound here.

    | Tue 20 Nov 2012 10:00:38 #9 |

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