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Speed up your android menus

(7 posts)
  1. Peugeotracinguk


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    Probably you know if you click 5 times on the android build number you enter your developer mode ..quite handy to turn off the transition speed and turn on usb debug.

    | Sat 20 Feb 2021 18:18:05 #1 |
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    I’m not an experienced android user. What is transition speed? Once in this mode how do you get out of it?

    | Sun 21 Feb 2021 10:49:27 #2 |
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    It's the time taken up by things like scroll animations etc, when swapping between pages on menus or apps.
    Once dev mode is activated you can toggle it on/off within the dev options menu.

    | Sun 21 Feb 2021 12:06:12 #3 |
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    Peugeotracinguk - 2 days ago  » 
    Probably you know if you click 5 times on the android build number you enter your developer mode ..quite handy to turn off the transition speed and turn on usb debug.

    Good thinking! Makes a difference too!

    | Tue 23 Feb 2021 12:06:22 #4 |
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    But surely there must be a reason why they are set to what they are in the first place?

    | Wed 24 Feb 2021 15:55:33 #5 |
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    phlppip - 1 hour ago  » 
    But surely there must be a reason why they are set to what they are in the first place?

    Like all operating systems, it will be set up "out of the box" to give a balance between performance and visual effects. Developer mode lets you tweak your setup if you choose. If you are happy with the way your box is performing, leave it as it is.

    | Wed 24 Feb 2021 16:58:51 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    phlppip - 4 hours ago  » 
    But surely there must be a reason why they are set to what they are in the first place?

    Merely personal preference. Just like video editing fancy transitions especially in real time take extra time. It's an art.

    Next time you watch any movie see if you can identify

    Take common video transitions in movies.

    A lap dissolve gradually replaces one scene with another, indicating to the viewer that time has elapsed between the two events.

    A straight cut instantly switches from on scene to the next. The most common way to change from one scene to the next.

    Another way is a linking cut away shot like say a close up of rotating wheel on say a stagecoach replaced by a Delorean wheel in a movie (no prize for guessing which movie). A spin of a roulette wheel could be used for example in gambling sequence.

    If you watch a movie carefully you can see the techniques used.

    Straight cut, lap dissolve, cut away etc. Unless you are aware persistance of vision makes the editing techniques seam seamless.

    A common error is cutting on the line of view. If a moving object crosses this line it simply instantly reverses its direction.

    There are other ways to create trick footage, really simple to create using video editing software,

    Say you have a lamp post centre screen. Someone on a skateboard enters right to left and fails to emerge from the other side of the lamp post.

    Then of course we have the green screen effects that allow you to replace the green background with a completely different live background. (Chroma keying).

    And lately completely digital effects.

    Also stop go animation possible in software like photoshop using layers just like Ardman's Plasticine animations.

    I have used these techniques for years.

    If you turn off even these small animations you replace them with straight cuts. TBH as this is not live video you are much more likely to notice the faster response to the remote. Making the user UI more responsive.

    Next time you watch a movie see if you can identify what links the shot (shot camera starts recoding and then stops). Most will be a straight cut.

    | Wed 24 Feb 2021 21:18:09 #7 |

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