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Spoiler Alert needed when no free tuners

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    I've been using my HDR1100S for several months and it is great (much more reliable than my old media center setup). However I have one major annoyance. If both tuners are busy recording something, and one of the following things happen:

    1) I turn the box on.
    2) I finish or stop a recording playback.
    3) I exit an on-demand service.

    the box then tunes to one of the recordings that is taking place. Obviously this can spoil the plot of a film, or TV series, especially if I am currently many episodes behind live. Very very annoying - not something you get when using Windows MCE or Kodi etc!

    Not sure of the best solution - either quickly find remote, and bring up TV guide and hit mute? I reckon the box should just show some recording dialog over black screen or something...

    Anyone else annoyed by this?

    | Mon 5 Sep 2016 14:16:06 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    I can think of one way to stop this but it involves a bit of extra work. Add a watch timer on one of the (up to two) transponders you are recording from on a different channel. The box will turn fully on and tune to this channel. Of course you don't have to have the TV/AV receiver on so the fact that the box is on shouldn't matter. If you are going to on demand and the box is on you can cycle through the available channels using the programme up/down keys. When you exit on demand it should return to the channel you selected.

    | Mon 5 Sep 2016 15:31:30 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    If turning on to watch an active recording and want to avoid spoilers I mute the AV amp first and avoid focusing on the TV set until I have brought up the Recordings list screen.

    | Tue 6 Sep 2016 7:15:02 #3 |
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    I must say in all the years I have been using a PVR (many) I have never found this to be an issue at all. If what barkside describes in his/her post happens then I simply press mute on the remote (takes all of 2/3 seconds) then select a different input via the TVs remote.

    If the remote isn't to hand, an event as rare as hens teeth, then the wife and I will start a conversation over the top of the TV and avert our gaze until the remote is located. This is a non issue.

    | Tue 6 Sep 2016 7:37:56 #4 |
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    Faust - 1 day ago  » 
    If the remote isn't to hand, an event as rare as hens teeth, then the wife and I will start a conversation over the top of the TV and avert our gaze until the remote is located. This is a non issue.

    Love that, sounds like domestic bless

    I just start to make some sort of la la la la la-ing noise while locating the mute button etc.

    | Wed 7 Sep 2016 9:49:59 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    If box is on it's very simple to press the down or up channel button to quickly find a different channel to the the recording ones. Thereafter that's the default channel.

    | Wed 7 Sep 2016 10:04:39 #6 |
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    The point (while I realise that it is minor!) is that all tuners are currently used, so I can't change channel (2 simultaneous recordings). Looks like other people use the mute trick and averting their gaze - glad I'm not the only one!

    | Wed 7 Sep 2016 12:33:58 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    barkside - 5 minutes ago  » 
    The point (while I realise that it is minor!) is that all tuners are currently used, so I can't change channel (2 simultaneous recordings). Looks like other people use the mute trick and averting their gaze - glad I'm not the only one!

    Yes you can, Humax Freesat pvrs are a lot more flexible than a Sky box.

    Each tuner is able to handle two channels providing they are on the same transponder. This gives two possibilities.

    Recording two from the same transponder only uses one tuner (eg BBC1 HD and BBC 2 HD). In this case the other tuner is completely free to watch any other channel.

    Recording two from different transponders - any channel sharing a transponder with either recording can be used.

    In both cases the third channel is buffered to the time shift buffer and can be recorded as well once one of the two ongoing recordings is completed (G2 boxes only - doesn't work with G1 Foxsat boxes).

    Did you not try changing the channel as I suggested while recording two, using the programme up/down keys ?

    You can also set a 3rd channel watch only from the epg as I already posted.

    You can even record two and watch a third using only 1 cable.

    More Info

    | Wed 7 Sep 2016 12:45:33 #8 |
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    Each tuner is able to handle two channels providing they are on the same transponder.

    OK, I knew this, but some reason I didn't apply this knowledge to this case. I think I see the conflict dialog pop-up so often that I thought it wouldn't work!

    Thanks for reminding me about this, and yes I will try to change channel to avoid the spoilers (seems easier than mute/gaze-avertion!)

    | Wed 7 Sep 2016 13:15:21 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    barkside - 6 hours ago  » 

    Each tuner is able to handle two channels providing they are on the same transponder.

    OK, I knew this, but some reason I didn't apply this knowledge to this case. I think I see the conflict dialog pop-up so often that I thought it wouldn't work!
    Thanks for reminding me about this, and yes I will try to change channel to avoid the spoilers (seems easier than mute/gaze-avertion!)

    The conflict dialogue comes up if you try and use a channel that you cannot view (as per my post) and the link, usually as a result of an over-running accurate recording. Almost always the over-run message if ignored doesn't lose any of the actual programme content from the small delay in the follow up recording starting. It's a shame that the software doesn't allow recording 3 at once when possible. I appreciate that this would make the software a lot more complex, but if the Icord can do it, it can't be beyond the Humax programmers capability.

    | Wed 7 Sep 2016 20:13:14 #10 |

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