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'Starting' keeps recycling - won't boot up

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    I have the power supply in front of me now and, my mistake, it says the output is 4.0A, not 1.2A. (The input is 1.2A.) It's a Ktec R2512.

    | Thu 7 May 2015 14:43:30 #51 |
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    Another quick update. I found a local supplier who was willing to let me try before I buy (try a new power supply). Before getting in the car to go there, I thought I'd better make sure I could reproduce the fault with the old power supply. To my bemusement, the Humax started up fully with no signs of the restarting or strange noises from the unit or power supply! I didn't have a TV plugged in (as I was running the test on my desk at work) but the unit went through the STARTING and <freetime> displays and continued on to display a channel name (Channel 4).

    Hence, I abandoned the trip to the electronics supplier as it was pointless, and would have eaten up more than an hour of my time.

    I will run the unit this weekend and see whether the problems return and, if so, whether I can determine any pattern, e.g. after a period of being switched on, or if the unit or power supply seems to get particularly hot.

    Incidentally, REPASSAC, thanks for posting that link to that power supply but in both the photo and the text it says it is 2A. Not only is my existing power supply marked as 4A, the power input on the back of the Humax is also marked as 4A. (I do appreciate your help though, and I can see it is their mistake.)

    | Fri 8 May 2015 13:18:23 #52 |
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    JungleMartin - 13 minutes ago  » 
    To my bemusement, the Humax started up fully with no signs of the restarting or strange noises from the unit or power supply! I didn't have a TV plugged in (as I was running the test on my desk at work) but the unit went through the STARTING and <freetime> displays and continued on to display a channel name (Channel 4).

    Didn't this happen before? (Your post #37 in this thread)

    Can you try the box with a different TV?

    | Fri 8 May 2015 13:35:56 #53 |
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    Didn't this happen before? (Your post #37 in this thread)
    Can you try the box with a different TV?

    Yes and yes, but please read on...

    Yes it did happen before, but that was in different circumstances. It was before I had opened up the unit and with the original 1TB drive still connected. Once I opened it up and disconnected that drive, the box would start ok, and would also start ok with other drives connected internally. That's why I plumped for a new 2TB drive, although I could find no fault with the 1TB drive when connected to my computer.

    Last weekend though (the last time I looked at it before yesterday's power supply retest) the box was failing to start up even without ANY drive connected.

    Yes I can try a different TV. We only have one at home but I can try the box with a relative's TV if necessary.

    Note that last weekend the box would not start, including when neither the TV nor the internal hard drive was connected. Yesterday, the box DID start, with neither a TV or the internal hard drive connected. So the TV is out of the equation there. The box appeared to stay 'up' for a couple of hours until I had to leave, although being in the office, I did not have a TV to connect to it to see whether its display was normal or not. The built-in display appeared normal though, displaying a channel name: Channel 4

    | Fri 8 May 2015 13:46:25 #54 |
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    Interesting. Did you try changing the channel? Maybe to a HD channel?

    But you're probably right and it was just a fluke.

    | Fri 8 May 2015 14:27:58 #55 |
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    No, didn't try changing channel. Note that of course there were no satellite cables plugged in either.

    Further tests at home this weekend will be more extensive and, hopefully, more revealing. (Remember, I work away during the week.)

    I did notice the power supply got *very* hot to the touch, such that it was too hot to hold. I am suspicious of it.

    | Fri 8 May 2015 14:31:29 #56 |
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    No, didn't try changing channel. Note that of course there were no satellite cables plugged in either.

    Good point!

    | Fri 8 May 2015 14:35:53 #57 |
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    Short version: New power supply cured latest problem (box wouldn't start up at all) AND old problem (box wouldn't start with original 1TB internal hard drive connected).

    Longer version: As mentioned in previous posts, I suspected a faulty power supply, or at the very least, I wanted to rule it in or out. I didn't have a beefy enough 12v power supply (4A or more) but I had a brainwave to connect it to my car battery (not with the engine running, when the charging voltage might be more like 13v or 14v!)

    First I carefully checked the car battery voltage, engine not running, and it was ~12.5v, so I thought I'd give it a try. The box started normally... although I didn't take the TV into the garage to check it fully.

    So I ordered a new power supply for about £17 inc. delivery and when it arrived it cured the problem - the box started normally again, both without the 2TB hard drive connected and with it connected.

    I then went and dug out the old 1TB drive and tried it with that connected, and it started fine. Note that when I first replaced the drive a couple of months ago, the box started fine with the new drive, but simply would not start with the old one. But we can now see the problem wasn't the drive, it was the PSU. I presume the old drive must draw a higher current on spin up and that was enough to tip the PSU over the edge at that time.

    Let's hope the thing is stable for a good period of time now.

    | Mon 25 May 2015 18:19:47 #58 |
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    Mine wont start past the splash screen without looping.
    The only way is to leave the top cover unscrewed, pull out the white plastic 4 wire square power supply for the HDD, let it boot until the picture comes on and plug the HDD power back in.

    I'm going to try dropping the HDD into a Linux box this weekend and use the tool sin there to hopefully fix the drive issues. Failing that it's a new HDD.

    | Thu 27 Oct 2022 9:58:02 #59 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    imparvo - 1 hour ago  » 
    Mine wont start past the splash screen without looping.
    The only way is to leave the top cover unscrewed, pull out the white plastic 4 wire square power supply for the HDD, let it boot until the picture comes on and plug the HDD power back in.

    To me that sounds very like an issue with the HDR-FOX T2 which after a lot of work was traced to a small capacitor on the motherboard. You can read about it at

    | Thu 27 Oct 2022 11:53:09 #60 |

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