My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Stopped recognising my external HDD.

(16 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Suggest roll back of software to previous version to check if it works then.

    | Thu 9 Jul 2015 15:33:17 #11 |
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    I have just formatted 8 pendrives to FAT32 - various makes, sizes usb2 and usb3. One has been recognised! So at least the USB ports are working. It seems this is not a known fault.

    | Thu 9 Jul 2015 15:45:46 #12 |
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    I think pen drives have always been something of an issue as every time a firmware update is available as a download lots of users report having issues with pen drives.

    Some appear to work okay whilst others aren't recognised. I have to say I have never had an issue with one myself.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 8:16:11 #13 |


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    The loader, which handles firmware updates and also starts the boot process is very picky compared to the booted unit.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 10:04:44 #14 |
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    My 500 GB Toshiba HDD worked faultlessly for months. Then, for no apparent reason, it was not recognised. I suspect this must be due to a software glitch. I will wait for the next update to see if it solves the problem. If it does not I will consider rolling back to the original software version. It is a shame that the Humax hdr1010s and its advertised features are not robust. Little idiosyncrasies do nothing for the manufacturer’s reputation. Luckily I have other ways of accessing my media files.
    Thanks to everyone who offered advice and help, much appreciated.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 17:46:20 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Ardderchog - 1 hour ago  » 
    My 500 GB Toshiba HDD worked faultlessly for months. Then, for no apparent reason, it was not recognised. I suspect this must be due to a software glitch. I will wait for the next update to see if it solves the problem. If it does not I will consider rolling back to the original software version. It is a shame that the Humax hdr1010s and its advertised features are not robust. Little idiosyncrasies do nothing for the manufacturer’s reputation. Luckily I have other ways of accessing my media files.
    Thanks to everyone who offered advice and help, much appreciated.

    By the time the next software update is on line you will not be able to roll back the software. If you did it would simply update again.

    Have you got a dual power cable and a simple USB power device (A phone charger will do) ?


    The extra connector simply connects to any USB charger.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 19:00:49 #16 |

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