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Stopping neighbours trying to pair via bluetooth

(5 posts)
  1. Peugeotracinguk


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    As header really,the girls next door are constantly trying to pair to my humax aura ..probably accidently but a saturday night is do I stop it via the menu?doing my head in while trying to watch tv on by the sound of it...again..hmmm thought covid had halted that.

    | Sat 29 May 2021 18:07:34 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Peugeotracinguk - 1 hour ago  » 
    As header really,the girls next door are constantly trying to pair to my humax aura ..probably accidently but a saturday night is do I stop it via the menu?doing my head in while trying to watch tv on by the sound of it...again..hmmm thought covid had halted that.

    Do you need to use bluetooth ? The remote control works without it. It is only needed for voice control ?

    Afaik unless you put the aura in pairing mode they should not be able to see it.

    | Sat 29 May 2021 19:32:59 #2 |
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    If the Aura has full access to the Bluetooth settings menu, change the name to the name of your local police authority, something like xxxpolicedevicetracker. I doubt you will get any further attempts.

    | Sat 29 May 2021 20:11:58 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    SSThing - 48 mins ago  » 
    If the Aura has full access to the Bluetooth settings menu, change the name to the name of your local police authority, something like xxxpolicedevicetracker. I doubt you will get any further attempts.


    | Sat 29 May 2021 21:00:56 #4 |
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    Now .... they may not be trying to pair with the Aura but with headphones or bluetooth handsfree.
    During the last few days I have been fitting and setting up a new bluetooth intercom headset for my motorbike helmet (a Cardo Packtalk).
    I found that while trying to pair a phone or a second headset the Aura would power up, turn on the tv and display a pairing message from the Cardo. As the Cardo has no display I did not know this was happening. My neibours have not complained - only the Aura picks it up.
    So they are more likely to be trying to connect headphones of thier own not connect to the Aura.

    Note that this meas the Aura is in discovery mode or scaning all the time.
    Phone etc. Need to set to scan before they pop up.
    Continuous scan/discovery is great for the average punter to connect headphones etc with less faff but a nuisance for the rest of us.
    Perhaps Humax Towers need to have a look at making scan/discovery an option rather than pernamently on ???

    | Sun 30 May 2021 9:16:10 #5 |

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