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sub-titles out of sync

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    My HDR2000T has started to give sub-title sync problems when playing recordings. What happens is the speech sub-titles are shown long before the actual dialogue is spoken - and I mean sometimes more than 10 seconds - by which time a lot of other words have been spoken by the main characters. You can imagine the confusion this causes. This problem does not happen when watching the programs 'live', so it can't be in the transmission.

    However, I have now decided to replace the device with a new one, and would like to know how to copy all the folders containing saved recordings from one machine to the other. I can insert a USB stick and through the Media button I can choose between HDD and USB. But when I select USB I can't open it or do anything with it.

    I've tried contacting Humax but had no reply! So if anyone can help I'd be eternally grateful.

    Bob Jury

    | Sun 20 Mar 2016 16:59:18 #1 |
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    I have come across this subtitle problem on a 2000T. If you are replacing the device (2000T) with a new one (2000T) I don't think this will solve the problem.

    HDD->USB. If the USB is empty you might not be able to open it. Is the USB device formatted? (with a 2000T NTFS is probably OK as is FAT32).
    Have you tried to copy anything to the USB? (Media, <select programme or folder>, OPT+, Move/copy) select the USB stick as the destination and see if it copies.
    If you then follow your original steps you ought to find the the programme you copied on the USB (eventually).
    Note that you are only supposed to be able to copy Standard Definition programmes. If you try and copy High Definition they will not be playable on another machine. There is a way around this but you will need to go to to discuss this.

    | Mon 21 Mar 2016 9:49:37 #2 |
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    The subtitle sync problem can be fixed on the fly by pausing the playback, stepping it back a few seconds and then starting the playback again. The subtitles should now be in sync and will remain in sync for that session.

    | Sat 26 Mar 2016 9:23:01 #3 |
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    The 1000s is really good with subtitles, the 2000T less so. I have the same issue from time to time. However, if you follow the suggestion made by Paulius55 this should solve the issue - for that programme.

    | Sat 26 Mar 2016 14:45:54 #4 |
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    Thanks very much Paulius55 and Faust. I'm not able to try it out until later this evening but I'll let you know here how I get on.

    EEphil - Thanks for your reply re copying - I actually received the same instructions from Humax Support, who told me to first format the USB as FAT32, which I did on the PC. But when I tried copying I was told that there was not enough space available on the USB(488Mb!). I then tried NTFS but with exactly the same result.

    | Sat 26 Mar 2016 14:55:17 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    bobjury - 4 hours ago  » 
    Thanks very much Paulius55 and Faust. I'm not able to try it out until later this evening but I'll let you know here how I get on.
    EEphil - Thanks for your reply re copying - I actually received the same instructions from Humax Support, who told me to first format the USB as FAT32, which I did on the PC. But when I tried copying I was told that there was not enough space available on the USB(488Mb!). I then tried NTFS but with exactly the same result.

    So how big is the file you are trying to copy?

    | Sat 26 Mar 2016 19:20:35 #6 |
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    I can't tell. It's just a normal 30 min program that I recorded.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 14:42:17 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    bobjury - 1 hour ago  » 
    I can't tell. It's just a normal 30 min program that I recorded.

    If it is SD then depending on the channel it was recorded from and the bitrate used it could easily be bigger than 500MB. If it is HD then I would expect it to be bigger than 500MB.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 16:41:05 #8 |
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    Wow! Then I guess using a USB stick is out of the question. Thanks for that, and for stopping me wasting any more time.
    Taking advantage of your expertise, if I may, the whole purpose of the exercise is to copy/move recordings from this machine to a new one. Can I assume from what you have said that I could simply connect the USB socket of the old to the new and then go through the copy procedure, so that the new recorder would receive and store the selected folders/recordings with no problems?
    Thanks again.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 18:36:17 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    bobjury - 25 minutes ago  » 
    Wow! Then I guess using a USB stick is out of the question.

    You need a USB stick of reasonable capacity but 8GB USB memory sticks are on sale on ebay for less than £3 delivered and USB memory sticks as large as 512GB are available.

    Taking advantage of your expertise, if I may, the whole purpose of the exercise is to copy/move recordings from this machine to a new one. Can I assume from what you have said that I could simply connect the USB socket of the old to the new and then go through the copy procedure, so that the new recorder would receive and store the selected folders/recordings with no problems?

    That will not work for at least two reasons:

    The content is all encrypted with a key that is unique to the Humax that made the recording and will only play back on that machine (with the proviso that SD recordings copied to USB storage will have the encryption removed).

    With a USB cable joining two Humaxes together neither box will present itself as a USB storage device so no copy is possible.

    | Sun 27 Mar 2016 19:09:09 #10 |

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