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Subtitles not on S/AD

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    Posts: 63


    Hi everyone. Hope somebody can help me. I use subtitles sometimes so don’t have it on as a permanent setting. I use the S/AD button, but today that button’s menu is completely different and no Subtitle option. I’ve never seen this Audio/Video Options menu before as usually the option for subtitles pops up and I press the < to set it up then exit out. It’s not the end of the world as I can switch subtitles on and off via the settings button, but it’s just weird that the menu seems to have gone. My Firmware version is 00.09.21 which I believe is the most up to date.

    | Sun 26 Jun 2022 19:58:27 #1 |
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    1. 8C99D58A-5C10-41CF-86B4-EA9649174A58..jpeg (19.1 KB, 12 downloads) 2 years old
    | Sun 26 Jun 2022 20:00:18 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I use sub-titles on a selective basis like you and I haven't seen this problem yet.

    I would suggest trying the time honoured solution of putting the box into standby and then turning off the power for 10 seconds, then turning the power on again.

    | Sun 26 Jun 2022 20:49:00 #3 |
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    senior member
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    Thank you, Martin, for your reply. I did as you suggested before I posted on here. But I thought I’d try rebooting again, and it worked! All working as normal. Not sure why it didn’t the first time I rebooted but all ok now.
    I appreciate your response.

    | Sun 26 Jun 2022 21:09:54 #4 |
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    Devon Nic

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    My experience with an Aura box purchased 21 Jul 22 which updated itself to firmware 09.21 on startup is this: initially the S/AD only brought up the Audio/Video options; I found some hints in this Forum which led me to turn Subtitles On in Settings; then the S/AD button brings up the Subtitles option first, and the Audio/Video options if I press it again. Strange. Still not a single keypress as in my venerable old Youview box which just died, but ok.

    | Thu 21 Jul 2022 10:25:08 #5 |

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