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Sudden loss of HDMI connection

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    Hi all, I've had my T2 box a few months and generally very pleased with it. However last night the signale from the HDMI vanished and I managed to get it back by turning off at the rear switch and leaving for a few minutes. Just a couple of questions here:

    1. If the box is duff with a hardware fault can I extract the recordings somehow?
    2. Anyone else seen this? I am pretty sure it is hardware not software but just chcking with the group.


    | Tue 21 Aug 2012 11:57:04 #1 |


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    Could be anything - from the TV displaying another HDMI port to a faulty cable.

    | Tue 21 Aug 2012 17:43:27 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    Could be the TV. What make and model is it? Has the cat knocked it out but replaced it back in a different socket on the TV?

    | Tue 21 Aug 2012 21:47:20 #3 |
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    Must be a Sony, they're so simple the cat could use it.

    I'd try hdmi handshaking first, easily done from the remote control. You can tell the T2 what resolution to use on installation, but it takes no notice and decides the resolution everytime you change input or switch on/off during hdmi handshaking which is a real pain if you have an older display or want to switch between displays. Other STB's, gaming machines etc. don't suffer this problem.

    Next time it happens try toggling the v-format button, pressing once and wait a couple of seconds, it may be a syncing/hdmi-handshaking issue. If this doesn't help try another lead. It's also be interesting to know whether the box has frozen, i.e. can you pause, guide, menu, change channel etc (front panel display should change) as the last thing you want to be doing is powering down via the rear switch.

    Don't worry about the recordings for now, you can get these off in a multitude of ways, plugging in an external usb drive would be one of the easiest ways. I'd concentrate on getting the box to work/display properly

    | Tue 21 Aug 2012 23:56:08 #4 |
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    Thanks for the replys. Yes it is a Sony and sometimes it goes to a green screen because the handshake failed I would guess. Need to switch between HDMI ports then it re-negotiates OK (usually!). But in the fault condition the screen has no display at all, just the TV's indicator at the top. Tried the lead switch, HDMI port switch - no joy. Worked OK last night after a POPO cycle. I will wait and see how it develops.

    | Wed 22 Aug 2012 6:40:10 #5 |
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    I seem to being having a very similar problem. Bought box a few months ago, suddenly in the last few weeks signal to TV (Philips) keeps dropping. Sometime the audio keeps running.

    Turning box on and off (via remote) fixes it for a while but happens again if I change channel or go into guide or media. Discussing with Humax Support who are slow going. Currently asking me to try a 3rd HDMI lead!

    Have tried 2nd lead and changing ports on the telly. No difference.

    | Tue 28 Aug 2012 14:48:18 #6 |
  7. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    iang : 1. If the box is duff with a hardware fault can I extract the recordings somehow?

    If you do need to replace the Humax, you MUST decrypt the files on the original box, if you don't do this the files will not play on a new box. Standard Def. files copied to a USB drive will be decrypted, Hi-Def files won't, unless they are FOXYed first

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 11:27:41 #7 |
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    Thanks Ezra. Planning to copy SD to USB, and lose the HD stuff.

    How does everyone find Humax support? I'm talking to them on email, takes two days each time for a reply and they keep asking me to do the same thing (try another HDMI port on my telly/try ANOTHER HDMI lead). Frustrating!

    | Thu 30 Aug 2012 9:44:16 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    scotthatton - 58 minutes ago  » 
    I'm talking to them on email

    Phone them; it is much easier.

    | Thu 30 Aug 2012 10:42:58 #9 |
  10. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    scotthatton - How does everyone find Humax support?

    You are lucky to get a reply to an E-Mail at all, you usually get no reply or :-
    1) you ask a question
    2) They reply with a generic stock answer
    3) You say 'I've done that, it didn't fix the problem'
    4) No Reply

    | Sat 1 Sep 2012 16:03:39 #10 |

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