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Switching TV Off and On with Remote

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    On thanks, I think I've sussed it. Cheers

    | Sat 21 May 2022 13:06:08 #11 |
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    Hi I can use AV button to see source but how do you select 1 pressing ok does nothing.

    | Sat 28 May 2022 19:53:31 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    richcfc - 17 hours ago  » 
    Hi I can use AV button to see source but how do you select 1 pressing ok does nothing.

    For me, each press of the AV button moves a highlight over a potential source. When the required source is highlighted then pressing OK will cause the TV to connect to that source.

    | Sun 29 May 2022 13:44:03 #13 |
  4. Geoff_W


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    Some TV's like my Sony, don't work with the Aura remote AV button. The only option is to use the TV's Input button.

    | Sun 29 May 2022 14:57:58 #14 |
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    Hi I am new to the forum but used this post to pair my aura remote to a new Hitachi TV. I have tried all the codes given and only one works to turn the TV off, strange thing is it won't turn on again I have to use the TV remote, but then the Humax remote will turn it off again.

    | Fri 19 May 2023 17:38:09 #15 |
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    David C

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    Hi all,
    new to Humax User here (finally got fed up of paying BT £30 pcm for a reducing sport offering) experiencing similar tv remote pairing problems. All my prior set-top boxes and tv combos have turned on and off with a single press of their remotes power button.
    Having set my new aura up I have the following:
    Larger Power/Standby button on aura remote:
    - short press powers on both aura and tv, or...
    - powers down aura only (standby). TV stays on.
    - long press shuts down the aura completely.
    Smaller TV/AV Mode button on aura remote:
    - pressing this either powers on tv only, or...
    - powers down both the aura (standby) and tv.

    This seems odd as I have to use a different button to power both units on to that used to power both units off together. My expectation was that I would use the same button to power both units on and off. Is using two buttons correct for the Humax aura?

    The two codes shown when pairing for Sony TV are 211 and 070. I have used 211 as it completes the pairing sequence, the other - 070 - does not.

    My tv is a Sony Bravia KDL43WD756BU, is there a different code that I should be using to enable powering on and off both units with a single button?

    Any help appreciated.

    | Sun 24 Nov 2024 13:48:11 #16 |
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    As for as I know and how mine works is big power button controls Aura, small power button controls TV. However I have CEC turned off on Aura and TV, if you have it turned On this will affect how things work as the TV is controlling the Aura not the remote and vice versa.

    If you want both to turn on and off with one press it’s the CEC settings you need to play with not the remote.

    | Mon 25 Nov 2024 12:28:48 #17 |

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