My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » YouView DTR-T


T2000 sudden menu style change.

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    MidnightVoice - 23 minutes ago  » 
    Faust: You say a skin, but it is more than that it is a whole BT TV setup except you can't use any of it unless you subscribe. So I think YouView are in cahoots with their partner ISPs to push their services on you which to me is a conspiracy, is it not to you?
    Everyone: Does it get a bit snippy in here?

    The platform is now cloud based using HTML 5. I read what you say about it is the whole BT setup and yes it is as you are with BT for your BB. As you rightly say though the subscriber elements are disabled unless you subscribe.

    A number of posters on various forums have posted about this including people who have TalkTalk as their ISP with a Youview box and again they don't subscribe to their TV service.

    As said before if you don't have either as your ISP then the branding would not be there. Some posters have gone completely OTT about this writing to OFCOM, their M.P. claiming it's a breach of their human rights etc. You couldn't make this stuff up.

    Regarding being snippy - I'll let you judge that one for yourself.

    | Fri 31 Mar 2017 7:42:09 #111 |
  2. Biggles


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    MidnightVoice - 1 hour ago  » 
    Faust: You say a skin, but it is more than that it is a whole BT TV setup except you can't use any of it unless you subscribe. So I think YouView are in cahoots with their partner ISPs to push their services on you which to me is a conspiracy, is it not to you?
    Everyone: Does it get a bit snippy in here?

    Ego trip for some members. Pity, it was a good informative forum.

    | Fri 31 Mar 2017 8:51:59 #112 |
  3. MontysEvilTwin


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    Visionman - 7 hours ago  » 
    Yeah... something like that. But they stick in, not out.

    To be fair, the USB ports (I only have experience of the DTR-T1000) do output 5V DC (0.5A) when the box is on or in standby (dependent on power saving mode) which can charge a mobile phone, for example. In the past I did connect a unit to my network with a wireless/ Ethernet bridge and used one of the USB ports to supply power.
    They could enable copying of recordings (standard def.) if they wanted to, but this seems not to be on their 'to-do' list.

    | Fri 31 Mar 2017 9:08:27 #113 |
  4. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    This thread has wandered off topic for too long now. Please continue the discussion in the lounge.

    | Fri 31 Mar 2017 10:42:30 #114 |

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