A few queries relating to the way things used to be on the 9200T versus T2000
Previously had the ability to supply power to a mast mounted aerial amp & a setting to switch this on & off
(I can't now find this, does that mean the power up coax function has gone?)
I did wonder if you could use the usb port to power the amp, I've got LED lights plugged into that, and they seem to be on/off in a random way, with no correlation to the recording/standby state of the box..
When 2 channels were recording, you could watch a third, provided it was on the same MUX I think, and if you were watching a channel when the 2nd recording began, if it wasn't available, it simply vanished & left message "this channel is restricted by recording"
(Now the box rather huffily says, as it's about to record "Is it OK to switch channels", which probably results in a lost recording if you've popped out to put the kettle on, I don't know what it does if you don't respond)
Previously only the channels you couldn't watch due to 2 recordings being made were greyed out, now they all seem to be not available...
Also used to have "Picture In Picture" mode, which was quite useful if you accidentally found yourself watch something live & wanted to channel surf during the adverts & not miss the resumed program.
You used to be able to delete something you were playing back, without having to stop playing it first, now you don't seem to be able to, without first pressing stop.
All in all the T2000 is a great improvement but some things seem to me to have gone backward...