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Thinking of buying a HDR-1100s

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    Tbh i am a little concerned with buying second hand but then again from what I hear most people don't seem to have problems with Humax equipment

    | Fri 9 Oct 2015 17:30:26 #11 |


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    JamesB - 50 minutes ago  » 
    And I've been more than pleased with my single-tuner HB1000S. Considering it only cost £80 new, it's just about the best-value media tech item I've ever owned.

    Agree totally - a really great second unit for me.

    | Fri 9 Oct 2015 17:41:50 #12 |


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    ashneedham87 - 12 minutes ago  » 
    Tbh i am a little concerned with buying second hand but then again from what I hear most people don't seem to have problems with Humax equipment

    Don't think you will find second hand HDR-1100Ss out there yet.
    But you may find HDR-1010Ss.

    | Fri 9 Oct 2015 17:44:04 #13 |
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    REPASSAC - 9 minutes ago  » 

    ashneedham87 - 12 minutes ago  » 
    Tbh i am a little concerned with buying second hand but then again from what I hear most people don't seem to have problems with Humax equipment

    Don't think you will find second hand HDR-1100Ss out there yet.
    But you may find HDR-1010Ss.

    I was thinking of the 1000s second hand (although I have seen a 1100s) at cash converters but don't think it would be covered by warranty).

    | Fri 9 Oct 2015 17:54:32 #14 |
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    Pollensa1946 - 1 week ago  » 

    Barry - 10 hours ago  » 

    The DNLA client is completely hopeless/useless.

    I disagree, it works perfectly well with my Netgear readyNAS.

    This discussion has ranged back and forth since the box was introduced in 2012. Some, like myself, have been unable to use it ( I have a QNAP NAS), others have no difficulty. I consider myself fairly expert in this field so qualified to comment as I did. On the now defunct Freesat forum I documented the problems at length. They deleted my post (which was not uncommon for many contributors) and simply ignored it. I have a simple, stand-alone media player alongside the Humax, cost around 70 Pounds, works perfectly with my NAS.

    Makes grim reading....I have an 1100S arriving any minute now and the reason to buy was to work alongside.....guess what?....a QNAP 410.

    Possible to ask for some details of your experiences on this one please? Must admit the QNAP works a treat on every other TV, Sonos and other bits and pieces we have had. Would appreciate any data/advice you have on this one please

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 10:44:47 #15 |
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    atacama40 - 53 minutes ago  » 

    Pollensa1946 - 1 week ago  » 

    Barry - 10 hours ago  » 

    The DNLA client is completely hopeless/useless.

    I disagree, it works perfectly well with my Netgear readyNAS.

    This discussion has ranged back and forth since the box was introduced in 2012. Some, like myself, have been unable to use it ( I have a QNAP NAS), others have no difficulty. I consider myself fairly expert in this field so qualified to comment as I did. On the now defunct Freesat forum I documented the problems at length. They deleted my post (which was not uncommon for many contributors) and simply ignored it. I have a simple, stand-alone media player alongside the Humax, cost around 70 Pounds, works perfectly with my NAS.

    Makes grim reading....I have an 1100S arriving any minute now and the reason to buy was to work alongside.....guess what?....a QNAP 410.
    Possible to ask for some details of your experiences on this one please? Must admit the QNAP works a treat on every other TV, Sonos and other bits and pieces we have had. Would appreciate any data/advice you have on this one please

    I decided to get the 1100s in the end. Had it for a couple of days and it seems to be working fine (except for on the first day it rebooted mid use then missed a recording because of it, noticed if it misses the start time for the recording it will not record unlike the sky STB which will start as soon as it can).

    With regards DLNA, I am using Synology NAS and it streams fine. I was originally running plex on the NAS but it was slow to populate menus, and generally the Humax would report nothing available. However I have since switched to synologys owning sharing app and it works perfectly.

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 11:43:57 #16 |
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    REPASSAC - 1 week ago  » 

    ashneedham87 - 12 minutes ago  » 
    Tbh i am a little concerned with buying second hand but then again from what I hear most people don't seem to have problems with Humax equipment

    Don't think you will find second hand HDR-1100Ss out there yet.
    But you may find HDR-1010Ss.

    Quite a few in fact. Is a supplier on Ebay called Xsitems. I just took a 1100S 1TB from them for £149. Among the sources they use I know one is John Lewis returns. Had good experiences with them to date. I'd say you will see 4 or 5 a week on ebay.....the good usually shows itself from the bad.The saving is quite notable. that saif I bought a 500GB 1100S for my Mother new with the 2 yr warranty last week (also off ebay) for £112. And it was perfectly new. Just for info.

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 13:36:41 #17 |
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    In general we are very happy with our 1100s as a Sky+ replacement. However the DLNA client software is disappointing.

    I have two DLNA servers; MythTV and a Synology NAS.
    The 1100s only shows a subset of files - missed all the handbrake m4a files which I had to rename to mp4.
    Also shows the files in the wrong screen ratio with no means of manually setting it. (The options in Settings do nothing in this case.)
    The initial scan for files is very slow as well.

    If you ignore these issues or they are not important to you then the actual player seems to display the files well. No lag or drop out or buffering.

    | Tue 3 Nov 2015 11:47:25 #18 |
  9. woodz


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    The DNLA works ok with Plex though if you are on Apple Hardware you need to add the physical files in Plex rather than use the Plex Channels.

    It's a little slow at reading if you have a lot of files, but it does work. In fact it was a nice surprise Humax included it.

    | Thu 5 Nov 2015 21:18:30 #19 |

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