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Transferring recordings

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    Martin Liddle

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    Luddym - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 37 minutes ago  » 

    esme - 3 hours ago  » 
    Guys, topic, please

    Did I miss your appointment as a moderator?

    It's called hijacking the thread. It is neither polite, nor helpful.

    It is called a discussion going off at a tangent which sometimes is interesting, sometimes not. It happens on most forums. It is in my opinion for the moderators to make the calls about what is acceptable; not members with a low post count.

    | Fri 19 Aug 2016 19:09:11 #31 |
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    Fair enough I shall wait until I approach your exalted level of posts before politely asking people to stay on topic in future

    You have a nice day Mr Liddle

    | Fri 19 Aug 2016 20:00:57 #32 |
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    Martin Liddle - 46 minutes ago  » 

    Luddym - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 37 minutes ago  » 

    esme - 3 hours ago  » 
    Guys, topic, please

    Did I miss your appointment as a moderator?

    It's called hijacking the thread. It is neither polite, nor helpful.

    It is called a discussion going off at a tangent which sometimes is interesting, sometimes not. It happens on most forums. It is in my opinion for the moderators to make the calls about what is acceptable; not members with a low post count.

    So the number of my posts affects my ability to have an opinion? Are you really saying your opinion means much more because of your number of posts?

    On topic - have you experienced any issues with encryption not being removed, when transferring SD files from the FVP-4000p, Martin?

    | Fri 19 Aug 2016 20:03:00 #33 |
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    esme - 1 hour ago  » 

    esme - 3 hours ago  » 
    This USB stick has an led and it's flashing so fingers crossed something is being transferred
    I really wish it had a progress bar
    I'll get back to you if & when it finishes
    OMG it's actually transferred a short programme
    bolstered by this success I'm trying the 3+ hour one I'll let you know how it goes
    For info the stick is formatted as FAT32

    Well glory be, hallelujah.
    The transfer to the USB stopped around 7pm so the transfer is about the same speed as actually watching the programme.
    looked at the USB stick on my PC and there are 4 folders & a file
    Folders are
    File is empty & called
    The transferred files are in .recordings
    You get the .hjm, .hjtsm, .nts & .ts files however the .ts file will play in media player so it's not encrypted.
    Not sure what the .hjm, .hjtsm & .nts files do but I don't need them to play
    The 3+ hour recording plays happily though the last few seconds of the file had an issue when I tried to FF to them, so I shoved the file through videoredo & did a quickstream fix which seems to have solved the problem, there's as much of the programme transferred as plays on the TV so I'm happy it all transferred.
    So I don't know what's going on with Mr Bitterman's recordings, sorry
    And I'm still no wiser as to why the files wouldn't transfer to the other USB stick, which is also FAT32 & has over 24Gb free
    Maybe it's because there are files & folders on it which aren't video files

    I've had no real success copying files to USB. Though I've ever only tried drives that already have files on.

    I will have to wipe one clean and try again. Thanks Esme, might make things a little easier. Fingers crossed.

    | Fri 19 Aug 2016 20:13:02 #34 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Luddym - 2 hours ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 46 minutes ago  » 

    Luddym - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 37 minutes ago  » 

    esme - 3 hours ago  » 
    Guys, topic, please

    Did I miss your appointment as a moderator?

    It's called hijacking the thread. It is neither polite, nor helpful.

    It is called a discussion going off at a tangent which sometimes is interesting, sometimes not. It happens on most forums. It is in my opinion for the moderators to make the calls about what is acceptable; not members with a low post count.

    So the number of my posts affects my ability to have an opinion?

    I have invested vast amounts of time in helping people on this forum and several other forums on various subjects. I think that qualifies me to have an opinion on how things should be conducted. What exactly have you contributed?

    On topic - have you experienced any issues with encryption not being removed, when transferring SD files from the FVP-4000p, Martin?

    None whatsoever.

    | Fri 19 Aug 2016 22:06:18 #35 |
  6. Barry


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    esme - 8 hours ago  » 
    Guys, topic, please

    Totally agree.

    Some of the posts in response to the OP request are very disappointing.

    Stay on topic please.

    | Fri 19 Aug 2016 22:08:50 #36 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    The transferred files are in .recordings
    You get the .hjm, .hjtsm, .nts & .ts files however the .ts file will play in media player so it's not encrypted.
    Not sure what the .hjm, .hjtsm & .nts files do but I don't need them to play

    Seems to be similar to the other Humax boxes though the sidecar files have slightly different names.

    Basically other boxes

    .ts is the transport stream file with mpeg2 576i video and mp2 stereo audio.

    .hmt has the programme information like programme synopsys, channel, recording dates and times. It also has various data flags that determine how the recording is treated. eg number of permitted copies etc.

    .nts has data controlling programme pause rewind resume functions. playback of the .ts without this may have limited playback control functions.

    | Sat 20 Aug 2016 8:07:57 #37 |
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    Thanks Esme, I will try again.
    Just to be clear did you simply select Copy when on the programme in the recordings section on the FVP with a USB inserted to perform the transfer?

    | Sat 20 Aug 2016 14:58:20 #38 |
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    Just a quick note: Copying recordings using the Humax Media app on android is extremely painless and quite speedy.

    It took 14 minutes to copy the 3-10 to Yuma film, which came in at 2.7gb and the encoding has been stripped. Is that much quicker than copying to USB?

    | Sat 20 Aug 2016 17:17:15 #39 |
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    Luddym - 1 hour ago  » 
    Just a quick note: Copying recordings using the Humax Media app on android is extremely painless and quite speedy.
    It took 14 minutes to copy the 3-10 to Yuma film, which came in at 2.7gb and the encoding has been stripped. Is that much quicker than copying to USB?

    Thanks for the info but unfortunately I have an Amazon Fire HD, the Humax apps aren't available for it.
    I had one last go, powered the FVP off completely started up and tried again. Around 2 hours later (as esme stated approx same runtime as the film) the copy finished. Going to the Media player part of the FVP and selecting the Copy it played but showed a run time of 5hrs 5mins when it was only just over 2 hours. None of the search functions would work on it.
    Trying it on the PC with VLC and the whole recording is actually there but the time bar is completely screwy.

    | Sat 20 Aug 2016 18:44:32 #40 |

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