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trouble with new FVR 5000T so what to do next?

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    Hi everyone.

    I'm not new to the forum at all.. just not registered. I discovered a lot, as many do by, just googling.. This forum pops up a lot with information.

    from looking at the Aura forum here I think I'm going to guess my own answer to the topic question - but need other input.

    I have had the 5000T for 14 days now and have emailed/phoned Humax over 8 of them for support. Problem? Mainly 'no program information' in guide listings.. mostly random in channels but regular. last message from Humax was take it back for refund or they will replace it for me if no refund.

    Amongst the advice they sent was factory default reset, manual tuning but use DVB-T2 for HD... no idea how to do that in their information. I discovered here about the DVB-T2 transmission setting only from you guys - Thanks

    No real difference but a turn off and straight back on magically makes things appear and then later program information disappears again. I started looking at the 'younger' Aura but am put off by complaints on that forum here too.

    Does the Aura have these tuning problems too or have I just been unlucky and should just get another 5000T?

    appreciate any view on this.

    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 15:57:46 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Grazunlce - 52 mins ago  » 
    Does the Aura have these tuning problems too or have I just been unlucky and should just get another 5000T?

    I don't recollect any tuning problems with my FVP-5000T providing the Smart tune option is off and I have been really pleased with the tuning on the Aura. If you favour the FVP-5000T I think you should try getting the box replaced. Personally I prefer the Aura but it certainly has some issues that are irritating.

    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 16:53:21 #2 |
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    Thanks for a quick reply.. I need a perspective on this other than my single experience with Humax.. LOL

    I live near (15 mile from the strongest transmitter in UK (four oaks/Sutton Coldfield) and never had a guide (6 or more?- TalkTalk Freeview recorders) with sections of 'no program information' I suspect but don't know for certain that the information is in the box but not displayed as an instant off and back on brings up the missing part of the guide I was looking at.

    this is all guesswork though....

    I Doubt Argos will swap it for another directly... I'd have ot have my refund and buy it again.. I'm wondering if the Aura is worth trying out as it also has ITVx apparently.


    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 17:17:05 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Grazunlce - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thanks for a quick reply.. I need a perspective on this other than my single experience with Humax.. LOL
    I live near (15 mile from the strongest transmitter in UK (four oaks/Sutton Coldfield) and never had a guide (6 or more?- TalkTalk Freeview recorders) with sections of 'no program information' I suspect but don't know for certain that the information is in the box but not displayed as an instant off and back on brings up the missing part of the guide I was looking at.

    I have a feeling that we have seen this problem before but I can't remember when or what the solution was. Anyone with a better memory able to help?

    I'm wondering if the Aura is worth trying out as it also has ITVx apparently.

    I am always nervous about recommending the Aura as some people hate it and others (like me) are prepared to put up with its issues. It definitely has ITVX. I would wait for a day or so to see if you have other responses and then make your mind up.

    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 18:30:03 #4 |
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    The 5000T does have a tendency to show "No Programme Information" randomly, especially in the catchup EPG section.

    Sometimes this can be sorted by clearing the cookies (not sure what cookies do for the 5000T, but that is another story!).

    Go into the menus using the "F" button on the remote and select "Players". You will find a button in the top right corner marked "i". Select that and you will have the clear cookies page. From there, press "+" (NOT OK) and then follow the prompts to exit.

    Good luck.

    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 21:07:15 #5 |
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    yes the more experience the better... if you only know your own (one) experience you can get paranoid on what to do next. LOL

    it is gratifying to know the problems with tuning and the guide is not everyone's experience.

    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 21:14:08 #6 |
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    Interesting point on cookies.. would they cause a problem so soon after setting up?

    does the Aura have this tendency I wonder?

    Thanks everyone for the information; it helps a lot

    | Thu 1 Jun 2023 21:50:46 #7 |
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    Seems we're going to have to put up with the 5000T and situation...

    You cannot get a Manhattan T3 from Argos to replace the 5000T (and it only has two tuners) and whilst Aura is available it has its own issues. At least the 5000T does record.

    I'm not exactly happy with Humax support - repeating the same advice over 8 days of emailing - mostly of resetting to factory default. I had better information from you guys.

    Ive gone from why should I have to turn the box of and back on to get the guide populated to.. it is not so bad

    If I could sort the networking problem out I'd be satisfied. I have installed samba but network just sees this FVP-5000T DIAL SERVER

    | Sun 4 Jun 2023 15:07:35 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Grazunlce - 1 hour ago  » 
    If I could sort the networking problem out I'd be satisfied. I have installed samba but network just sees this FVP-5000T DIAL SERVER

    What are you hoping to do with Samba?

    | Sun 4 Jun 2023 16:24:55 #9 |
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    Thanks for replying

    I keep reading to enable samba networking.. Didn't do anything though.

    I did manage to copy to a USB stick successfully though.

    | Sun 4 Jun 2023 19:17:05 #10 |

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